Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MOTORCYCLE CYBER TRIP..................DAY 5

After an all nights ride the bikers arrive at the Sweetwater,Texas, Rattlesnake Roundup.Reports find our gang 50 miles ahead of those crazy little midget bike riders shadowing our every move. Unknown why they know where we are going, Shorty ain't talking. Wade has about given up on the idea we can make him talk. Time to relax and enjoy the Rattlesnake Roundup.
Since 1958 this event has been the highlight of the town of Sweetwater. 123 tons of rattlesnakes have been caught for the event. Some farmers and ranchers came up with the idea to rid the area from the menacing snakes that were hurting their livestock operations. Snakes are caught and weighted in at the event and the hunter with the largest catch wins the big cash prize. ( Sorry about the change in word size, It keeps on doing this and i can't correct???) That is the least of my problems this morning, the power went off here and I lost the blog I was almost finished with. The funny part was it happened just when Shorty was about to talk. LMAO!!!
Most of the riders are enjoying the event and several are eating grilled rattlesnake meat. Others have choose to eat the BBQ pork. A huge enclosed pit with hundreds of live rattlesnakes has caught the attention of a large crowd. Wade," I have an idea on how we can get Shorty to talk." Go for it Wade!! Wade has grabbed Shorty and is lifting the top to the snake pit while holding Shorty by the feet. Wade, "Shorty tells us what you know or I'm going to lower you into those snakes." NO,NO Big fellow please don't do that. Wade lowers Shorty slowly into the cage, Shorty ani"t talking, deeper and deeper Shorty is lower as the snakes are hissing and striking at his head. OK,OK, I'll talk........Wade pulls Shorty away from the mad snakes just in time. Shorty, "we hid a gps tracking unit on your bike while you and that other guy were in the biker's bar in Ohio. They are able to track you guys. Finally the mystery is solved by Wades bright idea. Wade, " NickO it wasn't too bright on my part look at my finger. One of the rattlesnakes has bite Wade on his bird finger. LindaO get your snake bite kit out and treat Wade's finger. LindaO rushes to her motorcycle with the sidecar full of her gear to find the snake bite kit. ( With all that gear she has brought I hope she finds it in time.) Wade isn't looking too good at the moment?
I need two volunteers to make a side trip.Who's it going to be?? Dakota, "I'll go, me too says Farmerdaugter. We can take the coffin car. Ok girls here is what you'll must do. NickO removes the gps tracking unit from Wade's cycle. Take this tracking unit and go down into Mexico and find a motorcycle and place it on the cycle; the midgets will continue to track the unit and that will get them off our trail. The girls speed off to Mexico on their mission. They are told that we will meet them in Roswell, N.M. tomorrow. Hidden out of sight the gang watches as the gang of midgets speed by their location . There must be 300 of those little dudes riding like crazy. Looks like they going to Mexico??? LMAO!!!!!
Will Wade survive.................What going to happen to Shorty??????


  1. ROFL Nick, the plot thickens, what a smart move that was to side track the midgets! Oh Linda, I hope Wade is OK, you sure have your hands full! No vacation for you girl.... Now we'd better keep our eyes on that mummy Shorty, who knows what his next move will be.... Now what did you say Daisy?? Oh she wants some rattlesnake meat. Crikey, I thought ducks were vegetarians ???

  2. I hope the girls understood me on taking that tracking device to Mexico?? They were in a hurry???

  3. Well of course they would be Nick, fancy having all those midgets on their tails...

  4. dont you worry about us, we have it alllllll under control we will find a biker bar in mexico, leave the tracking device on the head honcho's ride and tell them that there are harley-hating midgets coming thru town and they should keep a sharp eye out! wooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo gona be a fun day! lol

  5. You should have sent Shorty to New Mexico with the gps device... and the others could pick him up when they get there.... can you catch the gals before the leave?

  6. Not to worry, Wade is remaining calm and that is important and we have already applied a pressure bandage to that finger.... I'm digging through these things as fast as I can to find the snake bite kit!!!!! We've just got to save Wade... he suffered to save us from those crazy little ones!!!!
    And if I weren't laughing so hard about Your blog disappearing just when Shorty was going to talk and Mia worried about Daisy wanting some rattlesnake meat thinking she was a vegetarian, I'm am sure I would know what to do next!!!!!
    By the way, good work Dakota ~ you and the Farmersdaughter seem to be brave souls!!!

  7. wonders if wade needs a tourniquet on his neck to keep the poison from going to his brain. . .??

  8. Chris is enjoying this a little too much I think. LOL and I don't care how sick I get, I'm eatin the snake that bit me! Wish I could see those midgets when they get to that bar........lol thx for the patch work Linda

  9. I can't wait to get Dakota in snake country...............

  10. Hopefully Wade brought along some of his terroist squirrels.

  11. Are you sure the little people did not track you home and cut your power?

  12. Linda I am most impressed how handy you are at fixing up people, whew a real life-saver! - so glad you have been with us all. (Do the other's realise that only you and I have seen Shorty's face?)

    What a hoe-down at Sweetwaters, I am exhausted from all the singing, dancing and I just loved those crazy rattle-snake steaks. No one is going to believe what a fabulous time we had when I tell them back home. I wonder if I could smuggle a couple of rattlesnakes back home with me and start up a new food industry? What do you think Mia, would it be a success?

    Dakota and Flora/aka farmersdaughter, what an excellent plan you have, gee you are so brave going down to Mexico - ahead of now 300! omg 300! midgets.

    I have washed and polished the Coupe and it looks stunning - now where was I supposed to be going again?

  13. Ha ha ha you all! Lois, do you really think we would get them through customs? Sucess for sure, better tasting than hu hu bugs and possum stew!
