Monday, November 27, 2006

Entry for November 28, 2006 10,OOO MILE PHONE CALL!!!

Techonology has come a long way in the last 45 years here at my house. Our first telephone during our first year was an adventure, there were 8 on the party line. You couldn't pick up the phone unless someone was using it, everyone knew everybodys business. No secerts in our little community. Times changed and we got a 4 party line, later a 2 party line. Each one of these was better than we started out, but finally after about 10 years we got our own private line. You talk about techonolgy, we had it big time!! Yesterday I would test current technology to the ulitimate. I had installed Yahoo Messenger on my computer. I needed a micophone to hook to the computer so I would have the call capability one pc to another pc. I found one, the headset type at Wal-Mart for around $20.00. All was ready to go on this end, all I needed was a party on the other end with this capabitity. Enter one Milli in far, far off Australia. I had seen she was on line with Yahoo Messenger so I tried the call and I GOT AN ANSWER SOME 10,000 miles away or for you'll on the metric system  15,963 km. away. The pure excitement on this end couldn't be contained. Our little talk lasted for 20 minutes and didn't cost anything. Techonolgy, techonolgy where will you go to next. I HIGHLY ADVISE EACH ONE TO GET ON THIS BAND WAGON, YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!! It sure cuts down on all that typing.  Regards all.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Entry for November 23, 2006 DOG SPOILS THANKSGIVING!!

Thanksgiving always reminds me of a funny story that happened several years ago at my late brother's home in South C.arolina. Frank and his wife both had to work the day before Thanksgiving. Wife Gail had put a big turkey in the oven and cooked it all night, that morning she sat the turkey out on the cabinet top to cool during the day while they went to work. Enter, Puddles their inside  dog. Sometimes during the day Puddles decided she would climb up on the cabinet and sample the turkey. She not only sampled it she ate the whole turkey except the bones. As with us humans, when you get your belly full you get sleepy. She crawled up under the bed and went to sleep.  Frank and Gail return later that afternoon from work and find the mess Puddles has made eating all that turkey. They can't find Puddles{ look under the bed} They find her under the bed but can't pull her out from under, she has bloated and is now a lot bigger than normal. They have to take down the bed to get Puddles out. Man Puddles is one sick dog. Frank always loved to tell the story about Puddles spoiling Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Entry for November 16, 2006 EXCITING NEWS!!!!!

I am now a greatgrand father!!! One of my grandaughters gave birth to GREYSON, on 11-11-06. He weighted 4 lbs. 8 ozs, 18 1/2 inches long. He was borned 7 weeks premature and must stay in the hospital 3 or 4 weeks. Everything is going good with him, they have removed him from the breathing machine and he's breathing own his own. He is bigger than I though, once I got to see him. The biggest thing about him is his feet!!!! His mom is now out of the hospital and visits during the day at the times the hospital allows. She is able to stay with a friend while out of town.  Regards all

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Entry for November 10, 2006 GOLF OR LEAVES!!!!!!

Today was going to be a good day to go golfing once more before bad weather sets in for the winter. Today's temps is going to be in the 70's as opposed to a few days ago when it was only in the 40's.  Three  days ago we had rain for about two days. We live in the woods , many, many trees surround our house and you know what that means in the fall and winter.  Yes the dreaded raking of the leaves, around here thats a weekly task of mine.  You see in Tennessee all the trees don't give up their leaves at the same time so I have some falling all winter long. I have a new device this year to help with picking up all those leaves, no not my wife, although she helps. A bagonwagon I pull behind my mower and it pulls them up into a wagon which when full I dump them into wife's compost bin. Today the leaves are very heavy and It will be about 20 or more loads. You can't see the grass for the leaves.  I  always do leaves on Sat. but since rain is in the forecast Sat. I had better do them today. The great part about the leaves, in the spring and summer we have plenty of shade and the temps in and around our house is about 20 degress lower than out in the open, so it balances out in the long run. NOT TODAY!!!

Regards All