Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Entry for November 23, 2006 DOG SPOILS THANKSGIVING!!

Thanksgiving always reminds me of a funny story that happened several years ago at my late brother's home in South C.arolina. Frank and his wife both had to work the day before Thanksgiving. Wife Gail had put a big turkey in the oven and cooked it all night, that morning she sat the turkey out on the cabinet top to cool during the day while they went to work. Enter, Puddles their inside  dog. Sometimes during the day Puddles decided she would climb up on the cabinet and sample the turkey. She not only sampled it she ate the whole turkey except the bones. As with us humans, when you get your belly full you get sleepy. She crawled up under the bed and went to sleep.  Frank and Gail return later that afternoon from work and find the mess Puddles has made eating all that turkey. They can't find Puddles{ look under the bed} They find her under the bed but can't pull her out from under, she has bloated and is now a lot bigger than normal. They have to take down the bed to get Puddles out. Man Puddles is one sick dog. Frank always loved to tell the story about Puddles spoiling Thanksgiving.


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