Monday, December 31, 2007


Entry for December 31, 2007 47 YEARS WITH THE SAME WOMAN !! magnify
47 years ago, at a very young age, we eloped and went to Georgia to get married. Carolyn was afraid of needles and would pass out when she had to get a shot. She wanted to return but I talked her into continuing on to Trenton. You could get your marriage license and blood test the same day and also have the ceremony. Once we arrived in Trenton it was off to get our blood test. Of all places to get this done, a real estate office. She explained to the man giving the blood test that she would faint. Oh, it want hurt I promise, you can be first said the man. She didn't faint and I was proud that she was a big girl about the test. Now it's my time to get my test. The needle is inserted and the next thing I know is I'm on the floor looking up at both of them. I had fainted, LOL now but back then it wasn't all that funny. I have never lived that down?? At the Church we had our ceremony with the minister and his wife. After he pronounced us man and wife I asked, how much do I owe you ?? He replied most give me $10.00, I gave him a $20.00 expecting $10.00 back but he kept the $20.00. I always tell that we got the expensive wedding.
Since we had eloped, no one knew where we were. Carolyn said we need to call home and tell our mom's and dads we are married. She called her mom and said, " Mom I'm married" her mom's reaction was, "Well WHO did you marry??" We had only gone together for 3 months. Yeah, everyone said it want last but after 47 years looks like we might make it. I found that SPECIAL WOMAN to spend the rest of my life with.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Christmas time is for people of all ages but young children enjoy this time of year. This year we were treated to a first in our family. Greyson our only great grand child was having his first Christmas. He had just started walking and discovering new adventures. When he arrived with his mom and dad you could see the twinkle in those eyes. It didn't take him long to locate all those presents under the tree. He wanted to start tearing open some of the gifts, the funny part he was trying to tear off the wrappings from his biggest gift. How can a one year old read his name. Well he's smart for his age?
Time for the meal and my wife's good food. Greyson was ready to eat just like the big folks. My daughter, his grandmother wanted to feed the little tyke and his mother didn't object. After a great meal it was time for photos. Next came giving out of gifts and Greyson was quite ready as he began tearing into his first small gift, a small John Deere tractor. This gift was tossed aside as a big box was in front of him to open. With help from his dad the box soon showed a John Deere 4 wheeler that his grandmother gave him. He somehow knew just what the 4 wheeler was for and was trying his best to get on and ride. He could get on but one of his feet wouldn't go where he wanted so he just left it . He soon found the little buttons to push and made noise, horn, engine and other sounds. He was laughing each time he pushed the one that went VVRROOMM. He liked the sound of the motor, his first set of wheels with many more to follow in the future. I'm glad I was able to see this exciting time in his young life and hope I will be around to see other first in his life, good LORD willing. We all probably had as much fun as he did just watching him experience his first Christmas. Oh yeah, we also gave him a 4 wheeler motorcycle with sounds but he didn't want to have much to do with it?? We would put him on it and he would quickly get off and get back on that John Deere with a big smile on that face. Our gift was green too but he's smart enough to know it wasn't a Deere. LOL!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007


Each year my wife begins bringing out her decorations to do her decor for Christmas throughout the house and the exterior of our home. The exterior displays were put up about two weeks ago. She has been busy with her great talent of decorating the den, dining room and foyer. Each year she adds something different. The tree is usually first on her list, I helped with putting it up and holding the many lights while she placed them. I got to fix any lights not working before she decorated the tree. She did all the rest as I got out of Dodge. After weeks of work she is pleased with her efforts and I would like to show all interested some of her hard work.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Entry for December 12, 2007 SUMMER TIME IN WINTER TIME ??? magnify
While half the States are suffering through snow and ice with power outages and difficult conditions, parts of Tennessee, including my area is going through record breaking temperatures. Our average temps this time of year is around 50*. Yesterday we broke a 104 year old record with a temp of 76* which topped the old 73*.
I enjoyed the great day yesterday and went golfing. In the afternoon I removed the leaves from our yard. This is a twice a week chore if the weather permits as we live in the woods. Who ever wrote the small poem; " I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." I bet that person didn't live in the woods and had too rake leaves.
The weather in Tennessee can change in minutes. Today rain is on the way and the forecast is for snow some times Saturday. I know we will pay for that warm unseasonable temps we had this week.
I hope everyone is warm, dry and have power.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Entry for December 09, 2007 HONORING MARY.. magnify
Her hands were wrinkled from hard work and 90 years of life.
The body and face of this loved mother showed her years.
Raising 8 children with little help from her long deceased blind husband.
She kept the family together with love and devotion.
Two children still at home, unable to leave the nest.
One deaf and one almost blind.
A mother's devotion to these two.
Still able to cook, clean and care for the two remaining.
Years have gone by and two girls are in the grave.
A mother should not have to bury her children.
Children, grand children, great grand children, great great grand children in attendance to honor their MARY.
Nieces, nephews, son-in-laws, daughter in laws,friends and church members all honoring MARY.
Food and drinks prepared by family members in abundance.
Smiles, hugs, kisses and birthday presents for MARY.
A sparkle and gleam in her eyes.
They don't look old.
I'm going to have another birthday party when I'm 100.
Mary, we all hope you do.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Entry for December 03, 2007 FLASH....THE NEWS HOUND...#3 magnify
Lets see what the old hound dog is up to today.
If dog's lives are 7 times their actual age then I'm an old hound. Well since you asked I'm 70, you do the math ?. Some sad news out of Oklahoma, Buddy a long time companion of K.C. lost his life to cancer. He was a 100 pound Rottweiler and was described by his owner as the biggest baby you ever saw. Rest in Peace.
Now for some news on the lighter side. I have a game for you who visit this blog. I will give a short story on a dog and you have to match that dog to his or her owner. The person who owns that dog can match their pet and can match up the others. Here we go???
1. When I was a kid I had a dog named Sandy. Sandy was deaf and had a favorite place to sleep, in the middle of the road. Drivers in the area knew Sandy's spot in the road and would slow down and drive around her.
2. This dog is a miniature dachsaud name Jake, inherited from the kids when they left home.
3. Lola was a bad dog when she first arrived at this owners home. While planting a long line of flowers in her garden, once finished she looked back to see her work and Lola had dug up almost all the flowers she had planted. BAD DOG!!. Lola barks in French??
4.This pet, Abby wears pampers during certain times????
5. Hawk was a service dog, no he wasn't in the Army! Hawk like to cold nose ladies when they visited his owner. When the owner wasn't looking he would walk up behind the lady and rub his cold nose against her thigh. He wore a smile on his face when his owner said, Hawk, BAD DOG !!
OK, now you need to match the dog to his or her owner.
Owners------------ Dogs
Elf46 ---------------Abby
Christiane---------- Jake
Clive ----------------Lola
Vi -------------------Hawk
Grandma Rosy ----Sandy

Wednesday, November 28, 2007




Car show season is over for the year but we can still have a car show here on my site. The photos below were taken when I attended a show in Lynchburg, Tn. yes, that's the same town of the world famous JACK DANIEL'S WHISKEY.

The color RED is the most popular color to paint a HOTROD!!  Pray that it doesn't rain when driving one of these T-Buckets.  LOOKING GOOD !! KOOL TRUCKS !!

1940 Ford.

A Casket on WHEELS ! This guy you know would be from Alabama. If he wrecks, just remove the wheels and put him in the ground.                                     

VW with a 350 CHEVY V-8.
How Kool is That ?

Please don't touch these cars or lean up against them!! Oh, you can if you wish. Comments are welcome...PLEASE.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Entry for November 24, 2007 FLASH...THE NEWS HOUND PART 2 magnify
Wonder what Flash is up too this week? He ain't nothing but a hound dog??
Man, I glad Thanksgiving is over. All those people visiting here got on my nerves, yea us dogs have got nerves. Those small people wouldn't let me alone, they petted me to no ends, pull my ears and woke me while I napped. I couldn't wait till the crowd went their ways. The day after I got some left overs to eat. Horrible food, something green caused me to barf. I heard the lady of the house ask him why is Flash licking his butt? He said," He's trying to get the taste out of his mouth."
I heard some gossip while the crowd was here. Seems a woman who lives on the tundra was seen in Mississippi hunting? New job too back home. A couple in the UK celebrated two events, 25 years together and 100,000 hits. Bangles took another walk, Bangles you are looking good!!! I hope she is a she??
My owners keep me fenced in the yard it's like a prison to me after running free all those years. My there goes some of my old friends following that female, watch out guys that will get you fenced in the yard. See you next week, I'm going to take a nap!.
Your pal................Flash.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Entry for November 17, 2007  FLASH....THE NEWS HOUND ??? magnify
Once a week we will hear some news, gossip and tid bits from Flash as viewed from his world. Lets see what old Flash has on his mind. He ain't nothing but a hound dog!!
I heard the other day the lady of the house was talking on the phone about an article she read in the paper about some of the unusual things dogs have ate. You wouldn't believe some of the things Vets have removed from their stomachs. A mixed breed dog ate three pair of panties. Another dog, the Vet removed a yellow smiley bra. I guess both of these pooches were male?? Why even one ate one of those thong things. Gravel, ropes, toys, sticks and other objects have been eaten by some of my relatives. I haven't ate any of these so far, I prefer that food in the bag called OLD ROY that I'm feed twice a day. All I need to do is whine a little until they feed me. People??? How predicable!! I once smelled of a cat turd out in the yard but no I didn't eat it. It smelled like chicken. I was tempted..
Anyway I don't like going to the Vet them shots hurt bad!! I've always had a horror of what happen to one of the beagles down the street. He went in for an operation and came back with a higher pitch BARK!!! That's all for this week I got to GO, I mean I got to Go clawing on the front door!!!
Your pal...........................FLASH...

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Crazed leader launches nuclear bombs on Mediterranean and Europe

During a period of continuing unrest, the leader of a Middle Eastern country will be able to obtain a nuclear weapon. He will go to the greatest lengths over the smallest things and will not hesitate to use the weapon because of his obsessions with deadly warfare. The people he is warring against retaliate with a nuclear weapon. The country has a coast on the Mediterranean.

One of the bombs will land in the Mediterranean instead of the land, poisoning all the fish. The passages of trade in the region will be disrupted so that the people on the other coast will be desperate for food and will eat the fish anyway. It will happen near the east coast of the Mediterranean in a region of dark-colored cliffs.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Entry for November 12, 2007 MOTORCYCLE MADNESS...
Entry for November 10, 2007 MOTORCYCLE MADNESS... magnify
Motorcycles today are very popular and we see many on the road. Motorcycles once were looked on as bad news for the average person. Hells Angles and other early clubs of bad boys riding their cycles raged havoc on American cities from coast to coast.
In 1957 while in high school I had a friend who was the only boy in school that had a motorcycle. Pat had a new 1957 Triumph motorcycle that was one bad fast ride. Pat was an early motorcycle innovator. He would drag race cars on his Triumph, he wore a leather jacket, no helmet and was popular with some of the girls. Girls liked boys who lived on the wild side. Now why didn't I think about this when I was a teen? Pat probably invented the wheelie? He was doing these way back when.
Our high school was about a mile from where I lived and one day Pat pulled up beside me as I was walking home. " Nick get on back and I will give you a ride home." I climbed on and was about to take my first motorcycle ride, man was I thrilled!!!. My heart rate quicken as the rpm's increased. Man this is fun. Over the viaduct we went and instead of going straight through the light Pat made a left turn. "Hey Pat this ain't the way to my house," as the motor begins to scream and Pat puts the Triumph into a higher gear. We are now speeding down a long straight road leading out of town. I begin to hold onto Pat with my arms tight around his waist and he laughs because Nick one scared wimp. I beg Pat to slow down, "Please slow this thing down." I knew we were going fast but I'm not looking to see how fast we are going. Finally about a mile down the road Pat comes to a stop. "Nick, I never did hit fifth gear and we were going 110 MPH. At the time I wasn't impressed with the speed but was sure I needed to check my pants. LOL!! I make it home and I don't remember if I thank him or not??
Pat would ask me several times if I wanted to ride and would laugh when I said NO WAY!! Pat was an early daredevil if there ever was one. He would own and drive a stock car, worked at his families garage. Later in life Pat settled down and raised a family. He became a policemen in our town and was the first motorcycle cop around the area and later became a detective. A boy who gave the police fits in his youth now works in law enforcement. Imagine that???