Sunday, December 9, 2007


Entry for December 09, 2007 HONORING MARY.. magnify
Her hands were wrinkled from hard work and 90 years of life.
The body and face of this loved mother showed her years.
Raising 8 children with little help from her long deceased blind husband.
She kept the family together with love and devotion.
Two children still at home, unable to leave the nest.
One deaf and one almost blind.
A mother's devotion to these two.
Still able to cook, clean and care for the two remaining.
Years have gone by and two girls are in the grave.
A mother should not have to bury her children.
Children, grand children, great grand children, great great grand children in attendance to honor their MARY.
Nieces, nephews, son-in-laws, daughter in laws,friends and church members all honoring MARY.
Food and drinks prepared by family members in abundance.
Smiles, hugs, kisses and birthday presents for MARY.
A sparkle and gleam in her eyes.
They don't look old.
I'm going to have another birthday party when I'm 100.
Mary, we all hope you do.


  1. Nick this could be my own mother, who is 94, and had 9 children and 67 grand, g grand and gg children. Sadly today, although still going strong she hardly knows us now when we visit each day, such is the toll of the years. But! I can still make her laugh, and she still threatens to box my ears!

  2. This almost made me cry. What a wonderful woman, amazing mother of love. She is the epitome of a real special human being. You must be so honored to know her. Thanks for her story NickO!

  3. An incredible story! My mom is 81 and still going strong.

  4. Nick you have done Mary the greatest honour. You have painted a picture of pure unconditional love ....what a great tribute!
