Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Entry for December 12, 2007 SUMMER TIME IN WINTER TIME ??? magnify
While half the States are suffering through snow and ice with power outages and difficult conditions, parts of Tennessee, including my area is going through record breaking temperatures. Our average temps this time of year is around 50*. Yesterday we broke a 104 year old record with a temp of 76* which topped the old 73*.
I enjoyed the great day yesterday and went golfing. In the afternoon I removed the leaves from our yard. This is a twice a week chore if the weather permits as we live in the woods. Who ever wrote the small poem; " I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." I bet that person didn't live in the woods and had too rake leaves.
The weather in Tennessee can change in minutes. Today rain is on the way and the forecast is for snow some times Saturday. I know we will pay for that warm unseasonable temps we had this week.
I hope everyone is warm, dry and have power.


  1. yeah, my daughter (who lives in Columbia) wrote about springtime and birds chirping yesterday. I hope those birds have lots of feathers.......cause this was a tease.

  2. Those birdies know how to take care of themselves rosy..
    Although In Northern Michigan there have been reports of turkeys freezing and falling right out of the trees !
    Enjoy it while it lasts -coupman-

  3. Well we are enjoying the pleasant temperatures and rainy season. We are in La Nina now, after years of the hot and dry El Nino.

  4. so glad your weather is good nick, we have cold days and night frosts this week , hugs and love xxx

  5. yesterday was round 74 degrees i'm ham radio operator i do keep up when storms getting real bad !
