Thursday, February 21, 2008


Blog Entry
for everyone
What is a good husband? A good husband makes his wife feel important in the things he does and says, he shows his affection by his actions as well as words.
He is aware of his wife's moods or setbacks and let's her know he appreciates the work that goes into the running of the household and raising the children wisely.
A good husband gives his wife some degree of financial support by either a checking account, an allowance or both. After all half of his is hers.He is a companion to his wife and talks things over with her and shares her interests.
He takes his wife out regularly, realizing that he is the only male escort she can have!! He shares the responsibility in raising and disciplining the children.
A good husband is considerate in the intimate side of married life. He is faithful to her, friendly to his in-laws and honest with his mate. He consults his wife before making any important household decisions.
A good husband places the interests of his wife and family above every thing else and avoids being too critical. He makes it possible for his wife to have some leisure time for outside interest. And last a husband often compliments his wife and does it with sincerity.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Over a year had passed since Wayne had left home in Missouri and rode into Kansas and went on a crime spree with Ned, Fred and Brad. He was a lucky man that he didn't get killed during all those robberies. Now as he rides into town and near the little ranch where his mother is about to lose the James ranch. Off Rowdy and hitching him to the post, the house and yard looks neglected but it's good to be back home. Hey mom where are you? on, my Lord is that you son? Yes, yes I'm home for good as he hugs his mom. I have enough money saved to pay off the ranch. Son that's great news we only have two more days and the bank will own the ranch. Mom, I'll go in the morning and pay it off. Son where did you get that like of money? Wayne lies to her, I got it from working but most came from winnings playing in card games. By the way son, did you hear that Carlitia is getting married? NO!!!! replies Wayne, who is she marrying? I heard its one of those arranged marriages. The land owner behind Mr Baron's land at the mountain has agreed to sell him part of the land if Carlitia will marry his son. The land deal would make the Baron ranch the biggest ranch in the territory.[ During those early frontier days there wasn't a lot of women to marry. History tells us that Jesse James married his first cousin, Zee.]
The next morning Wayne rides into town to pay off the ranch. He didn't sleep very much since his thoughts were on Carlitia. Some way he must stop that wedding!! At the bank he tells the banker he wants to pay off the James note. The banker tells him the amount is $525.00, son do you have that like of money? Yes, sir here is a voucher from my bank in St. Joesph where my account rest. All you need to do is fill in the amount and my bank will honor the payment. Son where did you get that kind of money, have you been robbing banks as he laughs out loud? Wayne never answers him. Now the ranch finally belongs to the James.
Now Wayne must devise a plan to stop Carlitia's wedding later this afternoon. He will kidnap her just before she is married. He will need to buy a horse and tie it up somewhere to the trail so they can ride off into the sunset like so many movies. During the wedding he will ride into the crowd grab Carlitia and ride off to where the other horse waits. During the wedding the men will be dressed in their fine clothes without their guns. When he grabs Carlitia and has her behind him on Rowdy no one will dare to shoot.
Wayne makes the long ride once more to the Baron ranch. With all those people riding to the ranch perhaps he will go un noticed. At the ranch he finds a spot out of sight and observes the wedding is over!! Wayne is a little too late as Carlitia and the groom are married and walking to a waiting carriage. Wayne kicks Rowdy and is riding toward the carriage. As he gets closer he see Carlitia looking at him. He quickly grabs her up and she is now behind him as they speed away on Rowdy.
Mr Baron runs to the front porch and picks up his HAWKEN RIFLE, he is an excellent shot with this weapon. The rifle is noted for its long distance accuracy and some say it was the gun that won the WEST! Surely he want shoot with Carlitia on the horse behind Wayne. They are now off about 400 yards riding very fast. A lone shot rings out, the 50 caliber bullet speeds through the air and hits Wayne in the head. Wayne falls from the horse and Carlitia stops Rowdy and is off on the ground holding Wayne's head in her lap. With tears in her eyes she says, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU WAYNE as he dies in her arms. THE END!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008


The new gang of bank robbers are filled with confidence and begin to plan another bank job using the same method that was successful during the first job. Wayne begins to think a few more jobs and I will be able to return home and pay off the ranch. His thoughts when alone are about Carlitia. They say, abstinence makes the heart grow fonder and in his case this is true. Wayne begins to thinks about caring around all this gold is a bad idea. After all he might be a little dumb but he's not stupid!! The safest place to put his money is in a bank which they haven't robbed. He will keep some out and open an account and put all his future funds in that bank. Wise move?????
The gang began a string of robberies across Kansas. They hit banks in Topeka, Lawrence, Winchester, Emporia, Wichita and Salina. The Kansas lawmen are close behind the gang. Wayne's bank account in St. Joesph is soaring. Things are way too hot in Kansas for the gang so they ride back into Missouri and plan to lay low for a while. They enter a little town called King City and split up and rent rooms at different boarding houses with plans to meet outside of town in a few days to decide what to do next.
One more bank job Wayne is thinking and I'm going home. Plans to hit a bank in Richmond are drawn up. The gang rides off and into the town late one night. Most banks in the territory have wised up to their methods and have placed a GUARD INSIDE THE BANK AT NIGHT. BEWARE WAYNE!!! All looks well at the bank and the men break in, Ned and Brad are first to enter, SHOTS RING OUT!!! Wayne can see Ned is down and Brad is injured, Wayne runs out the front door to where Fred is waiting with the horses and they high tail it out of town. After about an hours ride they stop. Wayne tells Fred I'm going home. Fred tells him he plans on returning to town in the morning to see if Ned and Brad are alive.Good bye my friend and good luck and Wayne rides off on his trip back home.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Deep down Wayne knows he shouldn't take Ned and the others up on joining up with them to rob a bank. It didn't look like he had any other option. Maybe just one bank job and he would have enough money to save the family ranch.
OK, Ned I will join with you to do that bank job, just one job and I'm through. Great Wayne, we have a bank in St. Joesph in mind. It's the only bank in town. We will ride in late at night, break in and blow the safe get the money and ride out before anyone sees us. Brad likes to play with explosives so he's the man to rig and blow the safe.
St. Joesph, Kansas, is about 5 miles away from where the men are camped. Ned tells that Wayne, Brad and himself will enter the bank and Fred will stay with the horses and have them ready when we come out of the bank with the money. The men begin their ride to town to rob the bank. Wayne's heart is beating madly, why am I doing this, I know its wrong but continues on. Entering the small town the men stop and survey the town square. The bank is in the middle of town and the jail is at the other end. No one is stirring this late of night, Ned motions let go! They quietly ride up to the bank and off their horses and Fred takes the reins while the others are busy gaining entry. A wooden door is kicked in without much effort. They are inside, Brad places two sticks of dynamite onto the safe door. The explosion should impact the door and break the locking devices. Take cover Brad says. BOOOOOM!!!!Hurry grab the bag of gold and get out of here!! They rush outside and onto their horses and away they ride. The plan has worked to perfection so far. No one has seen them, they will split up into two sets of riders and cover their tracks to confuse those who are sure to follow their trail. The next morning they all arrive back at camp. Now its time the count and divide up the loot. $420 in gold that's not what I expected says Ned but we all made it safe and sound. Ned divides out each ones share, Wayne are you leaving like you said? Wayne for some reason has second thoughts about just doing one job. Man, the rush he got from all that excitement just can't be explained. Guys, I think I will stay around a little longer.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Wayne returns home to tell Zee what has happened to lose his job. Well, he doesn't tell her everything. Mr Baron said he would see to it that I wouldn't find any work in this area. Mom, I'm going to Kansas to find work. There are a lot of big ranches over there and I'm sure I can find some work.
Now in Kansas and maybe he can find work at one of those big ranches.Many attempts to find a job are fruitless. It seems like the whole world is against this man. Wayne must find something soon as his pockets are about empty. He had been camping out in the country side at night sleeping under the stars and dreaming about Carlitia. On his ride back to his camp site late one evening he see a band of men camped near his site. As he rides by one of the men hollows out, Hey come on over and have some coffee. This is music to Wayne's ears , off Rowdy and over to the campfire where the men are setting and having coffee. Thanks guys I sure could use a cup. I'm Wayne James from Missouri trying to find work in these parts. Welcome to the world, we don't have jobs either, looks like we are all in the same boat. I'm Ned Younger and that's my brother Fred and the other guy is Brad Holiday. You might say we all have famous fathers, my dad was Colt Younger who rode with Jesse James and robbed all those banks and train. Old Brad's dad was on the other side of the law and I guess you could say he's the good one of this bunch. It sure is a small world guys My late father was Jesse James and I saw your Father Colt when I was a kid.
Wayne why don't you join up with us? We are planning on maybe robbing some banks says Ned. I don't know, that's not the road I want to go down. It only gets you killed or hunted! Wayne desperate men do desperate things. We are not planning on robbing any banks in the daytime, we will go in late at night, blow the safe and be gone before anyone can catch us. The bank we have spotted could be a big payday for all of us. How about it Wayne are you with us??

Thursday, February 14, 2008


The ride back to the ranch is a pleasant one for some reason. The sky is a deeper blue, birds are singing and everything seems to fall into place in their world. Wayne I can't wait to see my father and show you my new colt. I haven't seen them in three weeks. The trip to see my Aunt in Kansas was great but I'm homesick. The ranch house is now in sight and they ride up the the front porch. Both are off their horses and Carlitia runs to the front door and enters the house. A short time later she reappears, THERE NO ONE AT HOME !! DADDY AND CHANG MUST BE IN TOWN!!
Wayne lets ride out to the barn and I will show your my colt. At the barn they enter and find her new colt. Gosh he's grown so much since I've been gone. Wayne can tell the colt is of Arabian bloodline. Wayne takes Carlitia by the hand, she turns and they embrace. Wayne has a gleam in his eyes as he leads her to a pile of hay at the other end of the barn. Passion is about to take over with both of them!! From out of nowhere a screaming voice, SON GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!! Mr Baron has entered the barn without his presence being noticed. Carlitia and Wayne spring to their feet. Daddy, Wayne saved my life!! I was held captive by the stage coach robbers they wanted you to pay $1,000 in gold for my release. Wayne found me and saved me. Daddy I LOVE HIM!! Mr Baron with gun in hand is mad, mad!! Son I have found out you lied to me about who you were. You are the son of Jesse James. Boy didn't I warn you to not mess with my daughter?? NOW YOU GET ON YOUR HORSE AND RIDE OUT OF HERE. I'LL SEE TO IT THAT YOU WILL NEVER FIND WORK IN THIS AREA AGAIN. Daddy, daddy don't do this to Wayne, he's a good man and I love him! Carlitia you get to the house, NOW!!
Well, Wayne looks like it went from good to bad in your world. One day you are on top of the world and the next day it's crap.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Wayne and Carlitia ride off on the trip back to the ranch which is a long way. It will be dark in about two or three hours. They must make it to one of the line shacks that are located across the range. A line shack is a small cabin for the trail hands to secure safety and shelter from severe storms. Storm clouds are behind them and they will be lucky to make it to the comfort of one of these shacks. Riding at a fast pace the thunderstorm is almost upon them. It begins to rain with high winds, thunder and lighting dancing across the blacken skies. Just ahead Wayne can barely see the outline of the cabin. Finally they make it to the cabin and off their horses and onto the porch to safety from the storm.
Wayne opens the door and Carlitia enters the cabin with Wayne close behind. Both are soaked to the bone. Wayne has seen some firewood stacked on the porch and there is a fireplace in the one room cabin. " I will build us a fire so we can dry out, we will have to stay here tonight and continue on in the morning." Carlitia agrees and tells Wayne how thankful she is that he saved her from her terrible ordeal. The fire is now radiating heat into the room. Carlitia says, " I think I will pull off my dress and hang it up to dry, Wayne turn your head." Man how lucky is Wayne. Looks like the room isn't the only thing heating up!! Wayne pull off your trousers and hang them up! Both are now setting in chairs in their underwear. In a sudden move, Carlitia is approaching Wayne and says, " Oh, Wayne how can I ever thank you enough for saving me." Wayne is out of his chair and is face to face with this lovely girl. Their eyes lock and they embrace. Arms around each other Wayne has waited a long time for this moment, His first kiss from Carlitia. The kiss is even better than he had ever dreamed. A single bed in the corner of the room awaits as Carlitia pulls from the embrace and leads Wayne to the bed. "Wayne lets pull off our remaining clothes and get into bed to warm our bodies." What a lucky guy I am, Wayne's thinking. Off with their clothes and into the bed under the blanket they GO!! SO FAR THIS STORY HAS BEEN RATED PG. I WILL LET EACH READER VISUALIZE IN THEIR MINDS AS TO WHAT HAPPENED DURING THEIR NIGHT TOGETHER!!! I'm sure they all will be X-RATED???
The next morning Carlitia awakens Wayne with a KISS, AND I LOVE YOU!! Thank you Carlitia for the best night of my life!!!! We must get started back to get to the ranch today.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Blog Entry
for everyone
As the rider with the news about Carlitia's capture rode out of view, Matt tells Wayne and Colt to saddle up and ride back to the ranch and warn Mr Baron about her being held captive and the demand of $1,000 in gold for her release. Ride with hast guys, we will stay at this location until you return with Mr Baron. Wayne and Colt ride off out of view from the others. Wayne motions for Colt to stop. Colt I have a plan to see if we can find where they are holding her. I'm good at tracking. Colt agrees with him but tells Wayne if we don't find the hideout soon we must go to tell Mr Baron. Wayne soon picks up the trail of the lone gunman who is heading toward the Kansas boarder. Wayne's plan is to see how many men are at the hideout, we may be able to rescue her!
After about an hour, Wayne's tracking skills leads them to a small cabin in the woods near the boarder. They are off their horses and out of view. Wayne begins to observe the cabin and the surroundings. He sees a lone gunman on the front porch setting in a chair with a rifle by his side. Looks like there are only two horses at the front of the cabin. Maybe if there are only two men present the two of them can surprise them and rescue Miss Carlitia. Wayne tells Colt cover me, keep the man on the porch in view,I will slip around to the back of the cabin and see if someone is guarding her. I may enter the back door so if you have too use your gun on that guy on the porch. A few minutes later Wayne is at the back of the cabin and through a small window he sees a man in a chair who seems to be dozing. Carlitia is across the room tied up on the bed. Trying the doorknob he finds the door is locked, he will have to kick the door down to enter. With gun in hand he kicks with great force and enters the room. The gunman springs to his feet and goes for his gun, too late for him, Wayne has already got off two fatal shots before the gunman can draw. Another shot rings out from the front of the cabin, Wayne hears a loud thump as the man on the porch hits the floor from Colt's rifle. Now to untie Carlitia and her to safety before the others return. OH, WAYNE I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!! OK Carlitia we must get out of here fast. Colt is waiting at the front with Wayne horse. Wayne climbs on Rowdy and pulls Her up behind him and off they gallop at a fast pace. Carlitia would tell Wayne the other men had went into the next town to the saloon. Man would they be surprise when they returned to the cabin!!
Wayne, Colt and Carlitia would ride back into camp where the others were waiting. Riding into camp they explained what had happened. Matt was happy that they saved Carlitia but it was a stupid thing on your part, you could have got her killed!! Matt tells Colt get one of the extra horses and take her back to the ranch. Carlitia speaks up, Matt I want Wayne to take me back, I have known him for some time. OK , Wayne it is Carlitia. Wayne tell Mr. Baron we will continue on and you can catch up with us once you have her safe at the ranch.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Entry for December 14, 2006 THE OUTLAW AND THE BRIDE PART 4 Dec 13, '06 11:30 PM
for everyone
On the return ride home ,Wayne wondered where Carlitia and her brothers  were? At home he would tell Zee about the job he had just got at the Baron ranch.  Zee was proud of her only son. Perhaps he wouldn't turn out bad like Jesse Sr. Lord only know she hoped he would walk the straight and narrow. Wayne gather up his gear for the return back to the Bar B the next morning.

Wayne's head was full of excitement as he rode back to the ranch. On his arrival at the bunk house he would report to Matt Cody, as preparations were in progress to get ready for the cattle drive. " Hey Wayne, come over here I want to show you our cowboys." The man over at the chuck wagon is our cook, Rooster. The three guys loading the supply wagon are, the big one is Walt, he's been with us forever, next to him is the joker of the bunch, Ralph, and up in the wagon is one of our new hands Colt. We have several more men that should be arriving at anytime. The BIG BOSSMAN has three children two sons who are back East at school and one daughter who is visiting relatives in Kansas. Several hours later the other cowhands arrive and the gang heads out to the range for the round up.

Tough work lies ahead for the men. Most of the cattle stay together but some will stray off from the main herd. New born calfs with be rounded up and will be branded with the Bar B iron. According to Cody the herd is about 30 miles off near the mountain. Once all the cattle are together the men will drive the herd back to the ranch and they will be shipped off to market in Kansas by rail.

Up ahead Cody is ready to set up camp for the night. A scenic view from the site with the river on their right and the mountain in the distance. Rooster begins to assemble his cooking wares and a camp fire is built between a circle of stones. A tripod is placed over the fire and a large black pot is hung from the tripod where Rooster will cook stew for the men with saltines and coffee. The ride on the trail has been hard as the cowboys have covered 8 miles today. Tomorrow they will cover more miles as they will get an early start. After chow, Wayne gets his sleeping gear from his horse and rolls it out on the ground, his head hardly hits the saddle which he is using for a pillow and he's asleep.

Daybreak comes way to early for the men. Cody hollows out " O.K. you sleeping beauties rise and shine its time to work!" Coffee and bacon are waiting for the men at the chow wagon. After chow Cody says " Men listen up today we are going to be riding through some bad territory, Keep your eyes and ear open. Be aware and stay sharp!" " We may encounter some hustlers.

The men have been out riding toward the mountain for about two hours when they see a rider carrying a white flag riding toward them. Cody halts the men and tells them to stay sharp this could be a trap. The rider comes on in where the trail hands are waiting with hands near their guns. Once face to face with Cody the rider announces that his gang has robbed the stage coming from Kansas and have Mr Baron's daughter at their hideout. $1,000 dollars in gold and we will release her, if I'm not back with them in two hours she will be shot, you have two days to get us the money or she dies!!

                                           WILL SOMEONE SAVE CARLITIA !!

                                                          COME BACK TOMORROW !!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Word around town that Mr Baron was looking for some help at his ranch, he needed some cowhands to help with the annual roundup. Wayne thought this would be a great way to get close to the lovely Miss Carlitia. He had been doing some odd jobs around town, nothing to brag about, loading and unloading  supply wagons coming into and out of the small frontier town. Not a lot of money but it helped out at home.

Wayne saddled up his painted horse that Uncle Wilbur had gave him for his last birthday. He loved his stead, white with patches of brown  over  his flanks was the stallion he named Rowdy. He mounted up and begin the hour long ride to Mr Baron's ranch. Wayne needed this job to help his mother hold on to the ranch. Jesse Sr. had been sending money home on some occasions but Zee was not happy taking this money because of where it might have come from. Zee always thought some day Jesse would return home and they would live our the rest of their days together on the small ranch. All these dreams came to and end for Zee once word came that Jesse Sr had been killed by being shot in the back for the  $10,000 reward on his head. Now Wayne needed this job!

Wayne road under the massive sign that announced that you are entering the Bar B Ranch. Up to the front of the large two story white house he rode and dismounted Rowdy and hitched him to the post near the front door. Walking up to the huge walnut front door he knocked, what seemed like minutes to Wayne, the door opened and a Chinese man greeted him as the door was now fully open. I'm here to see Mr Baron about a job. Wait here sir I will announce you to Mr Baron.  The Chinese man returns and asks Wayne to follow him, Mr Baron will see you sir. Well son what can I do for you as Wayne entered the room? Sir I'm here about the job. What can you do?? I can ride, rope and am good with the gun.  What do they call you son? I'm Wayne  James sir. You  got the job if you can work for $15 a month with room and board. Thank you sir I will give you a good days work for your money. I have some rules you must obey. Rule one obey my foreman, no drinking on the job and most important you are not allowed around my daughter. When you return tomorrow report to the bunk house out behind the barn to my foreman, Matt Cody. We will be gearing up to go out on the range and bring in my cattle before winter arrives.

                                                                     TOMORROW TROUBLE ON THE TRAIL

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


A new girl had moved into the territory and was attending the one room school house. From that first day Wayne laid eyes on the beautiful young girl he was stunned with her looks and those big brown eyes. Her skin tone was a light bronze color and she must have some Mexican blood running through her veins. Long black flowing hair adorned her beautiful face. Her father had bought up a 90,000 acres ranch just outside of town which ran all the way to the mountain. Mr Baron raised cattle and horses on this large ranch he named the Bar B.

The only daughter of  Mr Baron and his late wife, Carlitia was his pride and joy. She reminded him so much of his late wife that it was amazing!  Her looks, movements, speech and beauty was a so much like her late mother. Mr Baron had two sons, 13 year old Walter Baron and 16 year old Andy. Both boys had pledged to their father to look after their sister as she grew up. " Always take care of your sister the Baron told the boys."

Mr Baron and the boys would be very protective of the lovely Carlitia. At the annual barn dance the two brothers made sure the boys that danced with her walked a straight line. Wayne had also caught the eye of Miss Carlitia, he had grew to be six feet tall, she liked the rugged facial features, deep tan, and long blond hair which ran to shoulder length. She admired the way he carried his frame as he moved about. WAYNE CAME OVER TO WHERE SHE WAS TALKING WITH SOME FRIENDS, CARLITIA MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? Sure she replied and off to the dance floor they walked arm in arm. Once the music started they embraced for the first time in a dance pose. Wayne could feel the electricity of the moment as their bodies touched for the first time. Too soon the music stopped and out of nowhere came Andy telling Carlitia it was time to return home. Wayne recognized that evil look that Andy gave him. What a boomer he thought as Carlitia and brothers exited the barn, oh well there will be other times with her. Wayne and Carlitia were now in their 15th year.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Borned  Jesse W. James Jr. to the notorious outlaw and wife Zee in Kearney, Missouri. Times were hard living in the 1800's. Men lived and died by the gun. All men carried a gun on their hip, a Colt 45 ruled these early frontier days.

During Jesse Jr. early days his father wasn't around to see his only son grow up. He missed all those first time events in a child's early years. Jesse Sr. was always on the run from the law and it would have been stupid on his part to be around his family. Some how Zee James made life for young Jesse as conformable as possible. She did sewing at her home and would receive money from Jesse Sr. from time to time to keep their small ranch going.

When Jesse Jr. started school in the one room building in the center of town, the other kids already knew of Jesse Jr's heritage. Being the son of the well known outlaw the kids would ridicule and made jokes of young Jesse. Even from those early years he would be branded for life because of his father's deeds.

Jesse would come home from school, battered, bruised, and bloody from trying  to defend himself from the bullies at school. Zee told Jesse not to get into fights, the kids will get to know you in time and will like you. Deep down Jesse knew in his heart he would always be looked down on because of his father's legacy.
During those early years Jesse grew up fast and tempered by the hard ordeals with those at school. At age 13 he was tall, strong and handsome. Jesse decided at this time he didn't want to be called Jesse Jr. anymore. I will be known as Wayne James from here-forth.
Zee's brother, Wilbur Ray, Wayne's uncle had become his father figure and was teaching the youngster how to shoot and handle a gun. Wayne and Wilbur didn't want Zee to know he was learning to use a gun. Why boys his age were already homing their skills with the gun. Wilbur knew that he would need these skills with the gun later in life to survive. Wilbur had gave Wayne an old Colt 45 that was a great handgun. Wayne's skill with the Colt came easy without much effort. Wilbur would set 6 whiskey bottles on fence post and tell Wayne to draw and shoot. In a matter of seconds he would draw and shoot breaking 5 out of the 6 bottles. Wilbur wasn't satisfied with these results.  " You must practice until you can break all 6 bottles." The Colt in Wayne's hand seemed as if it was a magical gun with it's speed and accuracy.
                                                STAY WITH THE STORY!!! TO BE CONTINUED !!   CARLITA????