Thursday, February 7, 2008


Word around town that Mr Baron was looking for some help at his ranch, he needed some cowhands to help with the annual roundup. Wayne thought this would be a great way to get close to the lovely Miss Carlitia. He had been doing some odd jobs around town, nothing to brag about, loading and unloading  supply wagons coming into and out of the small frontier town. Not a lot of money but it helped out at home.

Wayne saddled up his painted horse that Uncle Wilbur had gave him for his last birthday. He loved his stead, white with patches of brown  over  his flanks was the stallion he named Rowdy. He mounted up and begin the hour long ride to Mr Baron's ranch. Wayne needed this job to help his mother hold on to the ranch. Jesse Sr. had been sending money home on some occasions but Zee was not happy taking this money because of where it might have come from. Zee always thought some day Jesse would return home and they would live our the rest of their days together on the small ranch. All these dreams came to and end for Zee once word came that Jesse Sr had been killed by being shot in the back for the  $10,000 reward on his head. Now Wayne needed this job!

Wayne road under the massive sign that announced that you are entering the Bar B Ranch. Up to the front of the large two story white house he rode and dismounted Rowdy and hitched him to the post near the front door. Walking up to the huge walnut front door he knocked, what seemed like minutes to Wayne, the door opened and a Chinese man greeted him as the door was now fully open. I'm here to see Mr Baron about a job. Wait here sir I will announce you to Mr Baron.  The Chinese man returns and asks Wayne to follow him, Mr Baron will see you sir. Well son what can I do for you as Wayne entered the room? Sir I'm here about the job. What can you do?? I can ride, rope and am good with the gun.  What do they call you son? I'm Wayne  James sir. You  got the job if you can work for $15 a month with room and board. Thank you sir I will give you a good days work for your money. I have some rules you must obey. Rule one obey my foreman, no drinking on the job and most important you are not allowed around my daughter. When you return tomorrow report to the bunk house out behind the barn to my foreman, Matt Cody. We will be gearing up to go out on the range and bring in my cattle before winter arrives.

                                                                     TOMORROW TROUBLE ON THE TRAIL

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