Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PEOPLE WATCHING...............

Ever wonder what people are up to when you see something strange while you are out and about??
Yesterday, we went to eat after I took my wife to the doctor in a big town. We like to go to Ryans for lunch after her Doctor's appointment. While having our meal I noticed a woman opening the men's restroom doors and looking inside many times. I told my wife I think I'm seeing my first woman pervert. We both found this event unusual. Finally out of the restroom came a blind man and the woman lead the man to a table near us. That sure solved the mystery but also created another mystery for me? Did she go inside and help him with his aim??
Once she had him seated she went to the bar and fixed him a plate and sat it down in front of him to eat. He sure was having a hard time keeping the whole kernel corn on his fork. I was sorry to see all the trouble he was having with eating his meal. I can only imagine the hardship of been blind.
The world has seen some amazing blind people through the years. They have exceed way beyond their handicap. The great Ray Charles comes to mind. Look at all that man accomplished during his time on earth.
Amazing people with their handicaps succeed in life where a lot of normal people fail.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Do you remember the first time you tried some thing new?? Maybe a new food or drink. Looking back in time I remember the first time I sampled a new soda called Sun Drop.
Charles Lazier came up with the idea for a refreshing citrus soda in 1949 while driving around his home town. He jotted down the ingredients and gave them to his son Charles Jr. The next move was genius; Sun Drop Cola was born.
The cola hit a few stores in a few states in the South in 1951. We had a small neighbor store on Franklin Street called Scott's run by two elderly sisters. Going to the store for a soda and peanuts the Double Cola truck was parked at the store. The cola driver was giving away a new soda to customers. It was Sun Drop and I got a free one. At the time all sodas were only five cents. It was different in taste and I didn't particular like it at the time. I wasn't going to switch from my Pepsi.
Time goes on and old Sun Drop becomes a top seller around the Southern States. People became addictive to the cola. My son's friend in the Marines would have his parents UPS him two cases of Sun Drop to California since it wasn't sold in all States. Sun Drop crossed many State lines in those early days. Just like Coors Beer. Beginning this year Sun Drop has gone Nationwide for the first time. Nothing beats a refreshing Sun Drop on these hot summer days. This cola is very popular with the younger generation. We old folks enjoy it too!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


For many years I have been against having our timber cut on the back of our property. With so many trees being blown down during the recent storms I reconsidered my options. Many of the trees are also dying. I decided to contact a friend that I ran around with during my high school days. Wayne came by and we walked the back acres where he said the timber should have been cut 20 years ago. The woods had several species of old trees. Wayne told me that timber was at an all time high in price. Our deal was for him to cut and ship the timber to a sawmill located about 35 miles from the sight. We agreed to a 50 / 50 split on the timber sales. The sawmill would provide a computer list of every log sold. This would include the length of log, the diameter, grade and price.
The woods featured red oak, white oak, poplar and some hickory trees. Only the market timber would be cut. Wayne used a bull dozier to pull the down logs to a clear area to be stacked. A huge piece of equipment with forks would load the logs onto a log truck to transport them to the sawmill. That first week Wayne cut and shipped 275 logs to the sawmill. Wayne is 69 years old and small in statue and man can he cut down the trees and fall them just where they need to fall. He gave his Stidl chainsaw a good workout that week. Nine loads were shipped. On Friday afternoon Wayne rang my doorbell and said I have your first check. I sure wasn't expecting a check till he completed the job. With the check was the computer list of all the log data. Wow!!!! I had no idea my check would be this much. The woods with all the tree tops left was indeed discouraging but that check made it not such an eye sore.
The next week he completed the job with two more big loads going to the sawmill. He was saving the MONEY LOGS which were the big White Oaks to be sold to a friend that makes barrel staves to be shipped to France and used in the wine industry. Indeed these logs brought top dollar. The red oak lumber will be used for hardwood flooring, railroad cross ties, cabinets and furniture. Hickory is used for flooring, paneling, smoking meats chips and made into handles for hammers, shovels, picks and etc. Poplar used for furniture, wood pulp and paper production. A total of 377 logs were cut and only two were culled by the grader at the sawmill.
All the tree tops left on the ground will be cut into firewood by friends of mine that burn wood. Oh, yeah, I'll be cutting wood for the next 20 years??????