Monday, August 28, 2006

Entry for August 29, 2006 HORSE MADE ICE CREAM!!!!!

Each year we have the Wilson County Fair on our calender as a must see event. This fair has been voted one of the best fairs in the U.S.A. Sat. morning we are off on a 90 mile trip to see the fair. There is so much to do and see at this fair as it covers over 200 acres of space. You get the status quo of exibits, farm products, garden, farm animals, equipment, tractors, and etc. A circus group preformed on the hour with fire eating, magic acts. motorcycle riders inside a metal sphere riding at the same time. Two girls performed an act with one girl supporting the other one by just her mouth for about 5 seconds using a device in her mouth that the other girl did a hand stand, amazed us. Free samples of food was everywhere, hot cornbread squares, ice cream bars, popcorn, lemonaide, water and our favorite, Pinto beans. In a village called Fiddlers Grove you had different log cabins that dated back in the 1800's.  Many buildings dotted this authentic village from years ago. Some of the numerous cabins were: school,bank,doctor,blacksmith,church, newspaper,funeral home,hardware,grocery, you get the idea. The pinto beans we got were cooked over an open fire all day long. They were cooked in an old big metal pot suspended on an iron tripod. The pot must have  had about 30 gallons of beans. I asked my wife if this qualifyed for supper but she never gave me an answer. NOT!!! Now for some HORSE MADE ICE CREAM!!! Yes I said horse made.  The horse was on a large treadmill which was hooked up to the ice cream freezer as the horse walked on the treadmill the freezer turned which froze the ice cream. Two dollars a small bowl, I'll take two and hand her a 5 dollar bill and she gets us two bowls and gives me back 3 dollars. You do the math??? Our day was very good  even if the tempture was about 95. We arrived back home about 11:00 after finding our car in a 100 acre parking lot in the dark.

Friday, August 25, 2006


I guess we all look back to what a good time we had when we were younger. My senior year the class took two bus loads of students to Washington, D.C. My buddy, Edwin and I shared the big double rear seat and played cards about all night. Our first stop was at the University of VA. at Blackburgs to  eat and get refreshed.

We finally arrive early the next morning at our hotel in downtown D.C. Our room was on the seventh floor. Six students were assigned to a room. We would observe people walking on the sidewalks from our room. Somebody began tossing bars of soap out the window. It's a wonder they didn't come up and throw all of us out of that hotel.

Our first sight seeing trip was to see the Capital and all it's historical monuments. The different monuments were all so impressive. Most of the kids used the elevator to ascend the Washington Monument but not several of us. We walked all those steps both up and down. Once at the top you could fell the monument sway.

The trip I enjoyed the most was the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. That night we would get to go to an amusement park for some FUN. At the time they had the world's biggest roller coaster.  The girl I was with said lets ride, I don't think I want to ride I'll get sick. All the kids said you are a CHICKEN so I rode that big bad monster. Wrong move on my part, I got so sick  I went and rode it again. I had vertigo for two days . This was my last coaster ride!!!!  At the time I wished I was a CHICKEN!!!

The girl I was with turned out to be the spy my girlfriend had watching me on the trip. When we returned home she told my girl friend that I was good on the trip. She didn't tell her what a good time we had!!

We would eat our meals at Morrison's. The man in charge made everybody stay in line, one girl Gail wasn't paying attention and he made her go to the back of the line. Once at our table I said we will fix that guy up good. We took all of our left over food and place it in one tray and mixed it up real good and using one of the girls lipstick I made a sign that said, ALL THE FOOD YOU CAN EAT FOR 50 cents and placed it in the window for passer byers to see. Man the guy almost threw the whole class out of Morrison's.

On the way home Bobby , a big bully ran me and Edwin out of our rear seat so he could sleep.Edwin said we will fix him up. We collect cups of water and cokes and poured them all into one big cup. The cup was placed on a shelve over Bobby's head while he slept. Some times later the cup would fall off and get all over Bobby. You talking about MAD, Bobby wanted to know who did this, but no one would tell. He said he would whip all the boys on the bus if someone didn't tell.  I'm sure Bobby could have whipped everyone of us, but he never found out who was guilty.
On the bus trip back home one of the boys on our bus had the driver to pull over on the side of the road so he could get out. He had drank some wine and wasn't feeling too good?? I want name his name but WATTS his name???

One of the girls had took some photos of some girls in the shower with one of the boys camera. He was going to develop them in his photo class but was caught by the teacher and she destroyed the film. Sad ain't it.

The trip will always be remembered and bring  a gleam in my eyes.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Entry for August 17, 2006 I THREW HIM A BIRD!!!!!!!!!

A corner lot located one block from our home on Franklin street was vacant and the owners, Mr & Mrs Ward let all the kids in the area use it to play. Many hours were spent at this lot playing what ever sport that was in season.  We  would fly homemade kites during the windy month of March. Once I made a kit out of tinfoil and flew it to a great height, once at full height I could cut the string and the kite went sailing off into the horizon. People called the radio station to report a UFO. Daddy and I were setting on the front porch one afternoon while some of the smaller kids in the neighborhood played football on that lot. My late brother, Frank came up the steps holding his eye. Whats wrong Frank daddy asked, Butch hit me in the eye. Why did he hit you in the eye son??  I think it was because I threw him a bird!!! Butch was the smallest kid in our circle but was tough as nails, he would fight a circle saw. Daddy told Frank you go back down there and whip Butch's butt, you are a lot bigger than him. Man you can see Frank is all pumped up by daddy little talk. Now Frank is on his way to whip little Butch's butt. A few minutes later old Frank returns holding the other eye, Butch had blacked Franks other eye. I saw the moral to this story right quick, Don't miss with BUTCH!!!

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Entry for August 04, 2006 LINDSEY TAKES PEPA FISHING!!!!!

Our youngest grand-daughter Ten year old Lindsey stayed a few days with us this week. She skipped one day to stay and watch two smaller kids while their mother slept. She was paid $25 for watching the kids. What would a ten year old buy with her earned money, not what her pepa thought. Her daddy took her to Wal-mart and she bought a new red rod and reel so she could go fishing. She told her daddy that pepa will take me fishing, her daddy replied don't bet on it???? Lindsey arrived the next day all excited with her new fishind gear. One look into her bright eyes told me to take her down to rock creek and show her how to fish. The creek is less than a mile from our house, my wife called the owner of the property to see if we could fish from her property and she said yes. We loaded up her stuff and headed to a store to buy some fishing worms. Lindsey assured me she wasn't afraid of worms, but guess who had to bait her hook, pepa.  We finally arrive at the creek and pick our a good spot and it time to bait up and try her luck. About the third cast into the water she caught her first fish, a small bream. It sure was fun to watch  the excitment  on her face!!!!  She named the fish, Edward before we placed him in the bucket of water. She would catch two more before she wanted to go home each time she gave the fish a name. We took her fish home so she could show nannie and her daddy her catch