Thursday, January 31, 2008


Entry for January 31, 2008 EDGAR CAYCE....AMERICA'S PSYCHIC magnify
Edgar Cayce ( Kay See ) 1877-1945 born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky was America's Amazing Psychic. He foretold of events that happened both in the pass and in the future with amazing results. Many of his readings, which are documented, have come true as time passes. He is considered as the Nostradamus of the 20th century but with a greater record of success of his predictions.
Cayce began as a healer. A man with only an eighth grade education who became an individual with greater knowledge skills once he went into a self induced trance. In school he had troubles with his studies, especially spelling. He discovered his psychic ability when he went into his first trance while lying on his spelling book. Upon coming out of the trance he discovered he could now spell correctly every word in his spelling book. Not bad for an eighth grade drop out!! It was said that he could just touch any book and would be able to recite it word for word from cover to cover.
Once he discovered this amazing gift, he wanted to help people in need. He wouldn't charge a fee for his service but did except donations. Recorded records of his readings shows that he preformed over 14,ooo reading during his lifetime. Volumes of his readings are housed in a museum in Virginia Beach, Va. where he lived during the later years of his life.
Cayce would receive letters from people that had some incurable health problems. He lay on his couch, crossed his hand over his chest and went into a self induced trance. His wife would read the letter, name the person, where they lived and the conditions. In his trance Cayce would suggest treatment for that person's condition with amazing results. Once in his transcend state this man with little education became a genius with knowledge and a command of the English language worthy of a professor.
OK, I see you need proof of how great this man was? Some of his predictions.
He predicted the fall of the stock market in 1929 years before it happened. He told people in 1924 to sell off their stocks and bonds but few people listened to his advice and lost everything when the market crashed on Black Friday.
Predicted World Wars I and II years before they occurred.
Predicted the fall of Communism in Russia, Russia's freedom.
The rise of Adolf Hitler.
For saw the deaths of two Presidents while they were in office. Franklin D Roosevelt and John F Kennedy.
Some of his predictions have not come true. Thank GOD. Only time will tell. Most of them are very alarming!
The earth will go through some drastic changes in appearance. The earth axis will change, temperature changes, tropics will become frozen and Antarctica with be a tropic. Countries that are now land masses will be covered with ocean waters. The Lost Continent of Atlantis will emerge once again. Look out for those who reside in New York, Carolinas, Georgia, California and Connecticut. Water over this States. The Great Lakes will change course and empty into the Gulf Of Mexico.
On the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Cayce reveals that this was a highly advance civilization , much more advanced than ours. He implies that Atlantis existed before the Pyramids in Egypt and had atomic power, crystal power source, flying vehicles and tech far superior than what we have today. Forces of evil and greed destroyed Atlantis but there were those who journeyed to other places. It is said records from Atlantis are hiddened in three different places. One still rest in Atlantis, one in Egypt and the other in the land of Yul tan. The one in Egypt intrigues me. A hidden chamber lies to the right paw of the Spinx and water. It can't be entered through known under ground tunnels that already exist. Scientific instruments at the site recently shows a chamber that has never been entered since it was sealed. Permission from Egypt to explore the chamber has not been granted to date. I hope this happens in my lifetime. I can hardly wait. Are we descendants of Atlantis??
Cayce's last prediction, the date of his death on Jan. 5, 1945 was right on the money.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


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I guess being human nature to us anyone who is so different from the norm stirs our curiosity. We all know someone who is different from normal. The Goatman was one of these characters who caught the public attention during his travels across America. He boasted that he had traveled 100,000 miles and visited 49 states all but Hawaii . He also traveled into Canada. He probably would have notched Hawaii if his goats could've walked on water! He sold postcards with his picture and his goats on it, he excepted donations from the public anything they wanted to give him and his goats. It was said that he was wealthy but records after his death doesn't support those claims.
He was like a migrating bird, in the summer he went North and in winter he went South. His love of his goats was unquestionable. He had one goat born without front legs and it hopped around like a kangaroo.  Goatman was small in statue, 5 feet 5 inches , a long dirty gray beard and wore clothes made of goatskins, what else?? Near my home there is a mountain and atop sets a city called Monteagle, Tennessee. In my research the author called this Mount Eagles. A heavy snowstorm had shut down traffic up the steep mountain grade, no cars or trucks were able to get up the mountain. The only traffic to scale the slope was Goatman and his goats and wagon. He said that once atop the mountain he almost froze to death, so he put some extra goats in his wagon to sleep with that night and survived.
Most people during his travels were kind to him and his goats but there were others who harmed him and his goats. His beloved goat,Billy Blue Horns was shot one night with an arrow and died. He claimed this goat was by his side for 30 years. Another night on Signal Mountain in Tennessee some thugs beat him up and left him unconscious and cut the throats of 6 of his goats. This was the straw that broke his resolve, it was time to retire from the road, after all he had traveled for 40 years. After he recovered from his brutal attack he retired to Jefferson. Georgia on some property he owned. He lived in an old rusty school bus without running water or electricity.
WAIT!!! you thought his travels had come to an end, NOT! AT AGE 85 THE OLD MAN HAD BECOME OBSESSED WITH THE ACTRESS, Morgan Fairchild. Another thing we had in common, years ago I thought Morgan Fairchild was a FOX!! He told everybody that he was going to hitch hike from Georgia to California to court and marry Miss Fairchild. With a backpack the old man set out on one final quest. We don't know how long his trip of about 3,000 miles hitch hiking took but he did make his destination of Los Angles, California. Once there he was mugged and beaten and hospitalized. He never got his chance to court Miss Fairchild. He later spent his last days in a nursing home in Georgia at which time he received word that his son Albert had been shot and killed and unto this day that murder remains unsolved. It was said that Albert was a character in himself.
The Goatman was seen walking with an older nurse hand in hand prior to his death. Natural death came to one of America's most amazing legends at age 98. Just think if he hadn't breathed all that toxic black smoke from burning those car tires he might be alive today!!!
THE END..............................................

Thursday, January 24, 2008


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Blog Entry LIFE AND TIMES OF GOATMAN...PART 2 Jan 22, '07 11:45 PM
for everyone
It was after he sold his second wife that goatman decided to travel with his son. He had began to preach from his BIBLE to anyone who would listen. On the road he could spread the word of his LORD JESUS CHRIST to people along the road he traveled. From here on out we will call him GOATMAN as that was what people coined him in his early days on the road.
He bought an old railway baggage wagon with steel wheels and covered it with a tarp, making it look like one of the old covered wagons used during the pioneer days. He loaded up all his meager belongs into the wagon that was pulled my 8 to 10 goats and started his adventure across the United States that lasted for over 40 years.It was said that Goatman never took a bath during his travels. Once someone overheard him tell is son, " Get back in the wagon before you get dirty" The son was as dirty as the old man and smelled just as bad!! LOL!! A man told the Goatman, "If you would take a bath more people would come to see you and talk to you." The old man never looked up at the man who had made the comment, " When did you take a bath?" the man replied, " I took one this morning" Goatman," Well how many people came to see you?" None said the man. Well I guess there are about 300 here to see me!! The man didn't say another word and just walked away.
Goatman carried in his wagon items that he needed in his nomadic life as he traveled. Pots, pans, lantern's,containers for water and goat milk, a mattress and even a small pot bellied stove. Anything of value he found along the road was tossed into the wagon or nailed to the side for future use or he could sell or trade. He would locate a license plate of the state he was traveling in and nail it to the side of his wagon. Now, here's where he and I have something in common. I collect license plates and have all 50 states and some different countries nailed to my shop walls. The item that seemed to be his favorite to collect was old car tires. At the end of the day after covering 5 to 10 miles he would find a place to camp for the night, most of the time he would camp on a farm outside of town. He always built a campfire and would throw an old tire on top. He said the black smoke from the tire kept the bugs away!! Well today burning old tires would bring the E.P.A. running to fine you or put you in jail. He couldn't travel this day in time like he did in his days.
Goatman milked the goats and drink it and excepted any food that people along the way gave him and his goats. Only the male goats pulled his big wagon. When a nannie had a kid both would get to ride in the wagon. Sick goats would also get to ride. At night Goatman his son and some goats would load into the wagon to sleep. You can't blame his x-wife for hating those smell ie goats!!
Word would travel ahead from town to town that the Goatman was on the way. Crowds would gather as the old man and his traveling goat show came into town. It was said that the old man was friendly. He would let the children pet the goats during his stops. He told stories of his adventures to the crowd and also preach from his BIBLE to those that would listen.
All was not wine and ROSES during his travels. Several times he was beaten, mugged and some of his goats were killed. Once a woman ran over one of the goats with her car and never stopped. He cared for all his goats as if they were his children. He once said," My goats are just like humans to me and I treat them good." His favorite goat was named Billy Blue Horns, a big male that was with him for over 30 years. He had a name for each of his goats.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


From my recent blog on seeing the GOAT-MAN in person has aroused my interest in this character, so I have done some research on him and will share this amazing odd ball legend.
Charles "Ches" McCartney was born in 1901 in the state of Iowa and is better known as The GOAT-MAN. He became a legend in his own time as well as after his death. Times were simple and tough during those early days in Iowa as a youth. At the age of 14 he ran away from home and went to New York. While in New York sometimes later he married a woman 10 years his senior. She was Spanish and worked in a carnival as a knife thrower. Guess who became her target after they married, yeah Ches. Imagine your bride throwing sharp knifes at you every day. Not the kind of life Ches dreamed. I'll bet he didn't give her a hard time!! This marriage didn't last long, I can't understand why??? Ches decided to return to Iowa and start farming.
Times were hard during those depression days. Ches had little success with the farm. The bank foreclosed on the note and Ches lost everything but some goats, a BIBLE, and the book; Robinson Crusoe. He soon found work with the W.P.A. a goverment agency that put people to work during those depression days. He began helping cut down timber and one day a tree fell on him and knocked him unconscious. The men working with him thought he was dead so they took him to a funeral home. On the mortician's table while the embaling needle was being injected he WOKE UP!! " Don"t do that, I'm not dead yet" he said.
The tree accident left him with a mangled arm for the rest of his life. Ches married again and him and his wife had a son they named Albert Dean Mc Cartney. His wife didn't like all his goats and they never could get along with each other. It was said that Ches sold his wife to some farmer in the area for $1,000. She must have been some kind of a looker to bring all that money during those depression days.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today we are going to reminisce back in time to an event that always brings a smile to my face.
The year was 1951 and I was a young lad of 13. Big things were happening in the town I grew up in and went to school. The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, HARRY S. TRUMAN was coming to our town, Tullahoma, Tennessee. The Federal Government had selected a site near here and had constructed the World's Largest WIND TUNNEL. Most of the equipment had been secured from Germany after the war. This test facility would test engines, planes, rockets and space hardware and has put Tullahoma on the World map. Many scientist, engineers, and technical craftsmen live in the area around Tullahoma.
President Truman, was coming to town to dedicate the Arnold Engineering Development Center and it was also the Bicentennial for our town. The big event was held on Jackson Street and on the South Jackson School Grounds. All eyes of the large crowd was on the viaduct as the President's motorcade came across and took the President to the waiting grandstands for his speech. A large flat bed trailer in front of the Hawkersmith house on South Jackson served as the President's speech platform. I'm sure he gave a great speech but another event was happening on the school grounds and was attracting a mass of people. A large crowd had gathered around an old man and a herd of goats and an old wagon. It was none other than the world famous GOAT MAN who was stealing the President's thunder. One Mr. Charles "Ches" McCartney along with about 20 goats an old wagon with everything you could imagine hanging to the wagon, old pots, pans, lanterns and all the items he needed to travel. Man what a sight, Dirty, stinking smells filled the air, part goats and part Ches. The goatman traveled across all 48 states according to eyewitness and even to Alaska and Canada. In his travels he excepted donations and sold photos of himself and his goats. It is said he walked most of the time beside the wagon with his beloved goats and milked them on the road and drinked the milk. He lived a rugged life yet somewhat romantic, noble and in solitude. He lived to the ripe old age of 98 and died in Jeffersonville, Georgia after traveling thousands of miles across this country. Perhaps he smiled that day in Tullahoma as he upstaged one of the most powerful men in the world.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Blog Entry
for everyone
Growing up in our teenage years life becomes a great adventure, this was true in my case. In my teen years there were no drugs, no beer or whiskey in my town . Yes, I guess you could call my town a one horse town. We did do things to amuse ourselves back in those days and I will share a night three friends and myself went on a watermelon mission??. OK , a mission sounded better than we went to steal some melons.
Charles had a black 1946 Chevy and drove that dark night to a watermelon field near Woods Lake. Plans had been made as we traveled about 10 miles to the field loaded with ripe watermelons just waiting for the four of us. Larry's uncle lived next to the man's farm near the lake and it had been his idea for the great heist. " Guys you wouldn't believe how many big melons are in that patch." The melon patch was a distance away from the owners house and he would never know we were there? Wrong!!
On our arrival Charles pulled the old Chevy into a wooded area near the field. Each of us were to enter the field and bring back melons and put them into the trunk. Off we go on our mission, things were going as planned and we had almost filled the trunk with our bounty. G.W. says, " guys lets get out of here before we get caught." Guys I have seen the biggest melon in the field and I want to go get just one more. OK, Nick go get it and we will wait for you. I arrive at the location of the biggest melon I have ever seen. That big boy must weigh 75 pounds. It's all I can do to get it into my arms and head back to the car. A voice in the distance rings out, "STOP OR I'M GOING TO SHOOT!!!!" My heart is in my throat as I begin to run with that big melon! A shotgun blast ring out into the night air! I'm saying a little prayer as I run , Lord if you will pick up these feet I will put them down! Why didn't I drop that big melon, I'm sure I could run faster but no I'm not giving up this baby. In my haste I hit another melon with my feet and fall and my prize burst into several pieces. I finally make it back to the car and shout, "Get out of here he's got a shotgun!" We later eat some of the melons and gave some away but mine didn't taste all that good. To this day I have a hard time eating watermelon. NOT!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Entry for January 05, 2008  DEER CRAZY ???? magnify
Deer hunters are a special breed. I have never been a hunter but members of my extended family are Deer Crazy?? This story is for all you hunters and the hunters women who have to put up with their hunting.
A man named Jerry who was retired and an avid hunter owned a 350 acre farm near Nashville, Tn. One evening while out back of his house, he saw the biggest Buck he had even seen. He told his wife, " Wouldn't it be something if I killed that Buck once deer season arrives?"
Hunting season was almost a month away. Jerry installed one of those digital tree cameras and the next day he had over 40 photos of the monster buck. He counted 21 points on the Big Bad Buck's massive rack. He became obsessed with hunting this Buck. He might get him when bow season rolls around. The day before bow season opened Jerry was practicing with his bow and it broke. The bow was out of warranty but Jerry took it back to The Bass and Pro shop and told the guys the Big Bad Buck story and they replaced it with a new one.
From his tree stand high in an oak tree Jerry waited for the Buck to arrive early one morning. Hours later Mr. Buck ventured into range of Jerry's location. 30 yards from his prey, Jerry let fly an arrow that somehow missed his target and away ran the Buck. Jerry never saw this Buck again during the remainder of bow season. Perhaps he had left his property or maybe someone else had killed his Buck.
Jerry now was obsessed with this Buck. He went to bed planning on how to hunt this Buck and woke early each morning to get into the woods for the hunt. His wife became concerned with him. Was Jerry losing it? He had lost 12 pounds in weight and was eating normal. The people from his Church began to pray for him. Were they praying for Jerry's sanity or for him to kill that Buck??. Jerry admitted that hunting that Buck was all he could think about. He estimated than he had spent 190 hours in his pursuit of Mr. Buck. He had read the entire New Testament and was well into reading the Old Testament while waiting in the deer stand.
The moment finally arrived as he set in his stand reading the Bible. A noise of tree branches being broken while the Buck approached the area near his perch. Jerry with anticipation and nerves of steel lifted the .270 rifle and found the Buck in the cross hair of the scope. A lone shot broke the silence of the woods as the Buck lay dead on the ground. Jerry's sanity restored. His worthy Buck now graces the wall it his den.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


My sister,Pam is an animal lover she is always ready to take in a stray cat or dog. She has a wide array of animals through the years. A pet bull,several horses,cats, dogs,goats, rosters, ducks, rabbits and pigs. She can named all her animals way back into childhood. Buford, the bull. Harley, the horse. Mopar, the cat. Fancy her favorite dog of all time to name a few.
I have always told Pam she should have been a stand up comedian. She is so funny telling about things that has happened in the past. She was an over the road truck driver and some of her travel stories are so funny. Last night we had my two sisters and their husbands over for supper. Here is a funny story she recalled.
Our Dad raised some hogs on their small farm while Pam and Kristia were still at home growing up. Pam made sure that each one of the family had a sow. This included Dad, Mom, Kristia and Pam. My late sister's husband asked if he could buy and bring a sow over to Dads so his son could raise some pigs. He told Dad he would buy feed for their hog and look after it and help with all the others. Dad agreed to this offer.
All the sows got with pigs and Pam and Kristia looked forward to the day the little pigs would arrive. That day finally arrived and each one of the sows began to deliver their little pigs with in a couple of days of each other. Kristia's sow, the smallest, had 4 pigs. Pam's had 5 pigs. Mom's had 5 pigs and Dad's had 5. Low and behold Ned's sow had 13 pigs. Ned hadn't bought any feed or helped with the care of his son's sow the whole time the animal was in Dads and Pam's care. Dad told Pam, " It's just not fair his sow having 13 pigs and he did nothing the whole time??" Dad told Pam he had a plan as Ned didn't know that the sows had delivered. Dad nailed a bucket on to a 2 by 2 so he could lift the pigs from their mothers stall.  A perfect solution to the problem. He placed 2 in Kristia, she now had 6. 2 with Pam's, now had 7. 2 with Moms she now had 7. Dad put 5 with his and he now had 12. This left Ned's with just 2 pigs.
When Ned came to check on his and his son's he couldn't understand why his only had 2 pigs. After all she was the biggest sow. Dad, with a twinkle in his eye said, " Ned most sows just have 2 or 3 pigs there first litter." Ned bought that story lock, stock and barrel.