Thursday, January 31, 2008


Entry for January 31, 2008 EDGAR CAYCE....AMERICA'S PSYCHIC magnify
Edgar Cayce ( Kay See ) 1877-1945 born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky was America's Amazing Psychic. He foretold of events that happened both in the pass and in the future with amazing results. Many of his readings, which are documented, have come true as time passes. He is considered as the Nostradamus of the 20th century but with a greater record of success of his predictions.
Cayce began as a healer. A man with only an eighth grade education who became an individual with greater knowledge skills once he went into a self induced trance. In school he had troubles with his studies, especially spelling. He discovered his psychic ability when he went into his first trance while lying on his spelling book. Upon coming out of the trance he discovered he could now spell correctly every word in his spelling book. Not bad for an eighth grade drop out!! It was said that he could just touch any book and would be able to recite it word for word from cover to cover.
Once he discovered this amazing gift, he wanted to help people in need. He wouldn't charge a fee for his service but did except donations. Recorded records of his readings shows that he preformed over 14,ooo reading during his lifetime. Volumes of his readings are housed in a museum in Virginia Beach, Va. where he lived during the later years of his life.
Cayce would receive letters from people that had some incurable health problems. He lay on his couch, crossed his hand over his chest and went into a self induced trance. His wife would read the letter, name the person, where they lived and the conditions. In his trance Cayce would suggest treatment for that person's condition with amazing results. Once in his transcend state this man with little education became a genius with knowledge and a command of the English language worthy of a professor.
OK, I see you need proof of how great this man was? Some of his predictions.
He predicted the fall of the stock market in 1929 years before it happened. He told people in 1924 to sell off their stocks and bonds but few people listened to his advice and lost everything when the market crashed on Black Friday.
Predicted World Wars I and II years before they occurred.
Predicted the fall of Communism in Russia, Russia's freedom.
The rise of Adolf Hitler.
For saw the deaths of two Presidents while they were in office. Franklin D Roosevelt and John F Kennedy.
Some of his predictions have not come true. Thank GOD. Only time will tell. Most of them are very alarming!
The earth will go through some drastic changes in appearance. The earth axis will change, temperature changes, tropics will become frozen and Antarctica with be a tropic. Countries that are now land masses will be covered with ocean waters. The Lost Continent of Atlantis will emerge once again. Look out for those who reside in New York, Carolinas, Georgia, California and Connecticut. Water over this States. The Great Lakes will change course and empty into the Gulf Of Mexico.
On the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Cayce reveals that this was a highly advance civilization , much more advanced than ours. He implies that Atlantis existed before the Pyramids in Egypt and had atomic power, crystal power source, flying vehicles and tech far superior than what we have today. Forces of evil and greed destroyed Atlantis but there were those who journeyed to other places. It is said records from Atlantis are hiddened in three different places. One still rest in Atlantis, one in Egypt and the other in the land of Yul tan. The one in Egypt intrigues me. A hidden chamber lies to the right paw of the Spinx and water. It can't be entered through known under ground tunnels that already exist. Scientific instruments at the site recently shows a chamber that has never been entered since it was sealed. Permission from Egypt to explore the chamber has not been granted to date. I hope this happens in my lifetime. I can hardly wait. Are we descendants of Atlantis??
Cayce's last prediction, the date of his death on Jan. 5, 1945 was right on the money.


  1. oh my this is interesting , must read up on this man, great post xxx

  2. Edgar Cayce! I was young when I read a book from him... or about him. Yes, really amazing.
    Everything alright, Nick? I am waiting for... Spring! A terrible storm at the moment here ... lasting since midday! (:o(

  3. I have not heard of him. Interesting.
    Jan .... Australia

  4. Oh, I think everyone I knew was reading him in the late 70's. He changed a lot of our minds on what 'reality' is, and has kept us looking at the world we live in, in a different way. Nice blog. :-))

  5. I have read about him Nick and found that he truly was very convincing indeed. I know in your lifetime and mine too the changes through out our lives and what has taken place has been phenominal so why would it not continue? Thanks for coming over and commenting on the 'barn ' I will need to go back and take a closer look for all that you have asked me about. hugs from downunder...
