Wednesday, November 28, 2007




Car show season is over for the year but we can still have a car show here on my site. The photos below were taken when I attended a show in Lynchburg, Tn. yes, that's the same town of the world famous JACK DANIEL'S WHISKEY.

The color RED is the most popular color to paint a HOTROD!!  Pray that it doesn't rain when driving one of these T-Buckets.  LOOKING GOOD !! KOOL TRUCKS !!

1940 Ford.

A Casket on WHEELS ! This guy you know would be from Alabama. If he wrecks, just remove the wheels and put him in the ground.                                     

VW with a 350 CHEVY V-8.
How Kool is That ?

Please don't touch these cars or lean up against them!! Oh, you can if you wish. Comments are welcome...PLEASE.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Entry for November 24, 2007 FLASH...THE NEWS HOUND PART 2 magnify
Wonder what Flash is up too this week? He ain't nothing but a hound dog??
Man, I glad Thanksgiving is over. All those people visiting here got on my nerves, yea us dogs have got nerves. Those small people wouldn't let me alone, they petted me to no ends, pull my ears and woke me while I napped. I couldn't wait till the crowd went their ways. The day after I got some left overs to eat. Horrible food, something green caused me to barf. I heard the lady of the house ask him why is Flash licking his butt? He said," He's trying to get the taste out of his mouth."
I heard some gossip while the crowd was here. Seems a woman who lives on the tundra was seen in Mississippi hunting? New job too back home. A couple in the UK celebrated two events, 25 years together and 100,000 hits. Bangles took another walk, Bangles you are looking good!!! I hope she is a she??
My owners keep me fenced in the yard it's like a prison to me after running free all those years. My there goes some of my old friends following that female, watch out guys that will get you fenced in the yard. See you next week, I'm going to take a nap!.
Your pal................Flash.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Entry for November 17, 2007  FLASH....THE NEWS HOUND ??? magnify
Once a week we will hear some news, gossip and tid bits from Flash as viewed from his world. Lets see what old Flash has on his mind. He ain't nothing but a hound dog!!
I heard the other day the lady of the house was talking on the phone about an article she read in the paper about some of the unusual things dogs have ate. You wouldn't believe some of the things Vets have removed from their stomachs. A mixed breed dog ate three pair of panties. Another dog, the Vet removed a yellow smiley bra. I guess both of these pooches were male?? Why even one ate one of those thong things. Gravel, ropes, toys, sticks and other objects have been eaten by some of my relatives. I haven't ate any of these so far, I prefer that food in the bag called OLD ROY that I'm feed twice a day. All I need to do is whine a little until they feed me. People??? How predicable!! I once smelled of a cat turd out in the yard but no I didn't eat it. It smelled like chicken. I was tempted..
Anyway I don't like going to the Vet them shots hurt bad!! I've always had a horror of what happen to one of the beagles down the street. He went in for an operation and came back with a higher pitch BARK!!! That's all for this week I got to GO, I mean I got to Go clawing on the front door!!!
Your pal...........................FLASH...

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Crazed leader launches nuclear bombs on Mediterranean and Europe

During a period of continuing unrest, the leader of a Middle Eastern country will be able to obtain a nuclear weapon. He will go to the greatest lengths over the smallest things and will not hesitate to use the weapon because of his obsessions with deadly warfare. The people he is warring against retaliate with a nuclear weapon. The country has a coast on the Mediterranean.

One of the bombs will land in the Mediterranean instead of the land, poisoning all the fish. The passages of trade in the region will be disrupted so that the people on the other coast will be desperate for food and will eat the fish anyway. It will happen near the east coast of the Mediterranean in a region of dark-colored cliffs.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Entry for November 12, 2007 MOTORCYCLE MADNESS...
Entry for November 10, 2007 MOTORCYCLE MADNESS... magnify
Motorcycles today are very popular and we see many on the road. Motorcycles once were looked on as bad news for the average person. Hells Angles and other early clubs of bad boys riding their cycles raged havoc on American cities from coast to coast.
In 1957 while in high school I had a friend who was the only boy in school that had a motorcycle. Pat had a new 1957 Triumph motorcycle that was one bad fast ride. Pat was an early motorcycle innovator. He would drag race cars on his Triumph, he wore a leather jacket, no helmet and was popular with some of the girls. Girls liked boys who lived on the wild side. Now why didn't I think about this when I was a teen? Pat probably invented the wheelie? He was doing these way back when.
Our high school was about a mile from where I lived and one day Pat pulled up beside me as I was walking home. " Nick get on back and I will give you a ride home." I climbed on and was about to take my first motorcycle ride, man was I thrilled!!!. My heart rate quicken as the rpm's increased. Man this is fun. Over the viaduct we went and instead of going straight through the light Pat made a left turn. "Hey Pat this ain't the way to my house," as the motor begins to scream and Pat puts the Triumph into a higher gear. We are now speeding down a long straight road leading out of town. I begin to hold onto Pat with my arms tight around his waist and he laughs because Nick one scared wimp. I beg Pat to slow down, "Please slow this thing down." I knew we were going fast but I'm not looking to see how fast we are going. Finally about a mile down the road Pat comes to a stop. "Nick, I never did hit fifth gear and we were going 110 MPH. At the time I wasn't impressed with the speed but was sure I needed to check my pants. LOL!! I make it home and I don't remember if I thank him or not??
Pat would ask me several times if I wanted to ride and would laugh when I said NO WAY!! Pat was an early daredevil if there ever was one. He would own and drive a stock car, worked at his families garage. Later in life Pat settled down and raised a family. He became a policemen in our town and was the first motorcycle cop around the area and later became a detective. A boy who gave the police fits in his youth now works in law enforcement. Imagine that???

Sunday, November 4, 2007


A touching story I would like to share.
The ballad of Eddie and Shirley was a Music City romance. They both loved country music long before they loved each other. Eddie was from California and stepped off the train in Nashville with little money in his pocket and a guitar case in his hand with dreams of becoming a songwriter. This was 55 years ago. Shirley had grew up in the area and was an accomplished singer. She had shared the stage with such preformers as, Ernest Tubb, Red Foley, Roy Acuff, Marty Robbins, George Morgan and Billy Walker. Her stage name was Jenny Clay. Eddie and Shirley met on a blind date arranged by her friend who was a fiddler on the Grand Ole Opera.
Eddie would stammer and say, " Your the girl from Tennessee, and she replied, Your the boy from California." That night they played and sang country music for most of the night. Eddie told her that night that " I have never heard one so pretty sing country music like you do, you are cute as a button." That was his name for her the rest of there lives his, BUTTON. She called him "T" after Tarzan.
Within a year they were married and had a son and traveled in a station wagon playing country music at fairs, barn dances, honky tonks, and just about anyplace country music fans congregated. Shirley recorded 16 records but none ever became hits. In time she faded from the music scene, Eddie took a job as a salesman at Sears.
In July, 1996 a mysterious disease hit Shirley, she had trouble standing and would fall down for no reason. She was poked and prodded by neurologist from Nashville, St. Louis, Reno, and Sacromento. Her disease had bedridden her and "T" took care of his BUTTON. In the last year of her life she was totally depentent on him. He never heard her complain. On the morning she died he awoke before her and listened to the ventilator as she slept thinking she had a good nights sleep. She woke and said, " I can't breath, HOLD ME." He replied, "I can't I've got to call 911." "HOLD ME , again she says in a whisper. Soon the EMT's arrive as "T" grew close to her. "YOU SHOULD HAVE HELD ME" SHE SAID SOFTLY, and said no more.
Almost a year had passed since BUTTON had been laid to rest. A year is a long time for a lonely heart. Eddie sure missed his wife of 55 years. One day he picked up her Bible and out fell a small note dated July, 1996 the year her disease appeared, it read; " KNOW THAT I AM WITH YOU IN HEART AND SPIRIT. I MISS YOU, I LOVE YOU DEARLY. YOURS FOREVER, BUTTON. Eddie begins to search for other notes, surely if she hid one note there would be others. He finds a second note and goes on to find 37 notes his BUTTON had hid while she was sick for him to find during his time of sorrow. The last note he found read; MY SWEETEST "T" THERE IS NO ONE IN THE WORLD LIKE YOU. I THANK YOU FROM THE BUTTON OF MY HEART FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT AND ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME. YOUR LOVING BUTTON FOREVER AND EVER.