Saturday, November 24, 2007


Entry for November 24, 2007 FLASH...THE NEWS HOUND PART 2 magnify
Wonder what Flash is up too this week? He ain't nothing but a hound dog??
Man, I glad Thanksgiving is over. All those people visiting here got on my nerves, yea us dogs have got nerves. Those small people wouldn't let me alone, they petted me to no ends, pull my ears and woke me while I napped. I couldn't wait till the crowd went their ways. The day after I got some left overs to eat. Horrible food, something green caused me to barf. I heard the lady of the house ask him why is Flash licking his butt? He said," He's trying to get the taste out of his mouth."
I heard some gossip while the crowd was here. Seems a woman who lives on the tundra was seen in Mississippi hunting? New job too back home. A couple in the UK celebrated two events, 25 years together and 100,000 hits. Bangles took another walk, Bangles you are looking good!!! I hope she is a she??
My owners keep me fenced in the yard it's like a prison to me after running free all those years. My there goes some of my old friends following that female, watch out guys that will get you fenced in the yard. See you next week, I'm going to take a nap!.
Your pal................Flash.


  1. Flash is such a cute little pup....funny but very cute...good read~

  2. OMG!! Old Flash is on a roll here.....ROFL!! You've hit on a great blog idea Nick...this is wonderful! You've taken the personality of dogs and made it human ..I love it! I always said you were a great story teller =) So, what's up next with old Flash? I can't wait to read the next of his blogs! HUGS to you and Flash...muuah!
