Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PEOPLE WATCHING...............

Ever wonder what people are up to when you see something strange while you are out and about??
Yesterday, we went to eat after I took my wife to the doctor in a big town. We like to go to Ryans for lunch after her Doctor's appointment. While having our meal I noticed a woman opening the men's restroom doors and looking inside many times. I told my wife I think I'm seeing my first woman pervert. We both found this event unusual. Finally out of the restroom came a blind man and the woman lead the man to a table near us. That sure solved the mystery but also created another mystery for me? Did she go inside and help him with his aim??
Once she had him seated she went to the bar and fixed him a plate and sat it down in front of him to eat. He sure was having a hard time keeping the whole kernel corn on his fork. I was sorry to see all the trouble he was having with eating his meal. I can only imagine the hardship of been blind.
The world has seen some amazing blind people through the years. They have exceed way beyond their handicap. The great Ray Charles comes to mind. Look at all that man accomplished during his time on earth.
Amazing people with their handicaps succeed in life where a lot of normal people fail.


  1. Great post! Many blind people and some others do not feel handicaped just physically or mentally challenged. I could not cope if I lost my remaining vision. My eyes are my life at this stage my present.

  2. Great observations Nick and very true what you say!

  3. I'm glad I wasn't standing next to him at the urinal.
    Most people with handicaps are amazing people. We take for granted everything and they have to let the other senses take over and I think that makes them sharper to the world around them.

  4. I'm a people watcher too Nick....And sometimes what I observe is sad, but it makes me appreciate what I have.
