Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Wayne and Carlitia ride off on the trip back to the ranch which is a long way. It will be dark in about two or three hours. They must make it to one of the line shacks that are located across the range. A line shack is a small cabin for the trail hands to secure safety and shelter from severe storms. Storm clouds are behind them and they will be lucky to make it to the comfort of one of these shacks. Riding at a fast pace the thunderstorm is almost upon them. It begins to rain with high winds, thunder and lighting dancing across the blacken skies. Just ahead Wayne can barely see the outline of the cabin. Finally they make it to the cabin and off their horses and onto the porch to safety from the storm.
Wayne opens the door and Carlitia enters the cabin with Wayne close behind. Both are soaked to the bone. Wayne has seen some firewood stacked on the porch and there is a fireplace in the one room cabin. " I will build us a fire so we can dry out, we will have to stay here tonight and continue on in the morning." Carlitia agrees and tells Wayne how thankful she is that he saved her from her terrible ordeal. The fire is now radiating heat into the room. Carlitia says, " I think I will pull off my dress and hang it up to dry, Wayne turn your head." Man how lucky is Wayne. Looks like the room isn't the only thing heating up!! Wayne pull off your trousers and hang them up! Both are now setting in chairs in their underwear. In a sudden move, Carlitia is approaching Wayne and says, " Oh, Wayne how can I ever thank you enough for saving me." Wayne is out of his chair and is face to face with this lovely girl. Their eyes lock and they embrace. Arms around each other Wayne has waited a long time for this moment, His first kiss from Carlitia. The kiss is even better than he had ever dreamed. A single bed in the corner of the room awaits as Carlitia pulls from the embrace and leads Wayne to the bed. "Wayne lets pull off our remaining clothes and get into bed to warm our bodies." What a lucky guy I am, Wayne's thinking. Off with their clothes and into the bed under the blanket they GO!! SO FAR THIS STORY HAS BEEN RATED PG. I WILL LET EACH READER VISUALIZE IN THEIR MINDS AS TO WHAT HAPPENED DURING THEIR NIGHT TOGETHER!!! I'm sure they all will be X-RATED???
The next morning Carlitia awakens Wayne with a KISS, AND I LOVE YOU!! Thank you Carlitia for the best night of my life!!!! We must get started back to get to the ranch today.

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