Thursday, February 14, 2008


The ride back to the ranch is a pleasant one for some reason. The sky is a deeper blue, birds are singing and everything seems to fall into place in their world. Wayne I can't wait to see my father and show you my new colt. I haven't seen them in three weeks. The trip to see my Aunt in Kansas was great but I'm homesick. The ranch house is now in sight and they ride up the the front porch. Both are off their horses and Carlitia runs to the front door and enters the house. A short time later she reappears, THERE NO ONE AT HOME !! DADDY AND CHANG MUST BE IN TOWN!!
Wayne lets ride out to the barn and I will show your my colt. At the barn they enter and find her new colt. Gosh he's grown so much since I've been gone. Wayne can tell the colt is of Arabian bloodline. Wayne takes Carlitia by the hand, she turns and they embrace. Wayne has a gleam in his eyes as he leads her to a pile of hay at the other end of the barn. Passion is about to take over with both of them!! From out of nowhere a screaming voice, SON GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!! Mr Baron has entered the barn without his presence being noticed. Carlitia and Wayne spring to their feet. Daddy, Wayne saved my life!! I was held captive by the stage coach robbers they wanted you to pay $1,000 in gold for my release. Wayne found me and saved me. Daddy I LOVE HIM!! Mr Baron with gun in hand is mad, mad!! Son I have found out you lied to me about who you were. You are the son of Jesse James. Boy didn't I warn you to not mess with my daughter?? NOW YOU GET ON YOUR HORSE AND RIDE OUT OF HERE. I'LL SEE TO IT THAT YOU WILL NEVER FIND WORK IN THIS AREA AGAIN. Daddy, daddy don't do this to Wayne, he's a good man and I love him! Carlitia you get to the house, NOW!!
Well, Wayne looks like it went from good to bad in your world. One day you are on top of the world and the next day it's crap.

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