Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Over a year had passed since Wayne had left home in Missouri and rode into Kansas and went on a crime spree with Ned, Fred and Brad. He was a lucky man that he didn't get killed during all those robberies. Now as he rides into town and near the little ranch where his mother is about to lose the James ranch. Off Rowdy and hitching him to the post, the house and yard looks neglected but it's good to be back home. Hey mom where are you? on, my Lord is that you son? Yes, yes I'm home for good as he hugs his mom. I have enough money saved to pay off the ranch. Son that's great news we only have two more days and the bank will own the ranch. Mom, I'll go in the morning and pay it off. Son where did you get that like of money? Wayne lies to her, I got it from working but most came from winnings playing in card games. By the way son, did you hear that Carlitia is getting married? NO!!!! replies Wayne, who is she marrying? I heard its one of those arranged marriages. The land owner behind Mr Baron's land at the mountain has agreed to sell him part of the land if Carlitia will marry his son. The land deal would make the Baron ranch the biggest ranch in the territory.[ During those early frontier days there wasn't a lot of women to marry. History tells us that Jesse James married his first cousin, Zee.]
The next morning Wayne rides into town to pay off the ranch. He didn't sleep very much since his thoughts were on Carlitia. Some way he must stop that wedding!! At the bank he tells the banker he wants to pay off the James note. The banker tells him the amount is $525.00, son do you have that like of money? Yes, sir here is a voucher from my bank in St. Joesph where my account rest. All you need to do is fill in the amount and my bank will honor the payment. Son where did you get that kind of money, have you been robbing banks as he laughs out loud? Wayne never answers him. Now the ranch finally belongs to the James.
Now Wayne must devise a plan to stop Carlitia's wedding later this afternoon. He will kidnap her just before she is married. He will need to buy a horse and tie it up somewhere to the trail so they can ride off into the sunset like so many movies. During the wedding he will ride into the crowd grab Carlitia and ride off to where the other horse waits. During the wedding the men will be dressed in their fine clothes without their guns. When he grabs Carlitia and has her behind him on Rowdy no one will dare to shoot.
Wayne makes the long ride once more to the Baron ranch. With all those people riding to the ranch perhaps he will go un noticed. At the ranch he finds a spot out of sight and observes the wedding is over!! Wayne is a little too late as Carlitia and the groom are married and walking to a waiting carriage. Wayne kicks Rowdy and is riding toward the carriage. As he gets closer he see Carlitia looking at him. He quickly grabs her up and she is now behind him as they speed away on Rowdy.
Mr Baron runs to the front porch and picks up his HAWKEN RIFLE, he is an excellent shot with this weapon. The rifle is noted for its long distance accuracy and some say it was the gun that won the WEST! Surely he want shoot with Carlitia on the horse behind Wayne. They are now off about 400 yards riding very fast. A lone shot rings out, the 50 caliber bullet speeds through the air and hits Wayne in the head. Wayne falls from the horse and Carlitia stops Rowdy and is off on the ground holding Wayne's head in her lap. With tears in her eyes she says, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU WAYNE as he dies in her arms. THE END!!!


  1. How sad, but such a great romantic western. I thought for sure Wayne was going to get caught or Carlitia would die. Thanks, Nick for bringing along a great story to share. OOOOOOOOOOOO's.

  2. Well, crime cannot pay, but it brought tear to my eye, well nearly! Good one Nick
