Friday, December 21, 2007


Each year my wife begins bringing out her decorations to do her decor for Christmas throughout the house and the exterior of our home. The exterior displays were put up about two weeks ago. She has been busy with her great talent of decorating the den, dining room and foyer. Each year she adds something different. The tree is usually first on her list, I helped with putting it up and holding the many lights while she placed them. I got to fix any lights not working before she decorated the tree. She did all the rest as I got out of Dodge. After weeks of work she is pleased with her efforts and I would like to show all interested some of her hard work.



  1. Merry Christmas!!!!!

    What a lovely, warm home!!!! Even on the pictures one can see with how much love it was all doen!!!
    Bless you and your wife!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your wife! What a pretty home you got and it is lovely decorated.

    Have a great weekend as well!

  3. WOW !!! Beautiful !!!
    We are not going to see anyone for Christmas ---I didn't unpack my 'village' or a tree I did put on some sparkly nail polish and we will drive Up North to see my Sis tomorrow !

  4. Oh Nick... It is absolutely beautiful..I feel all Christmassy just looking at it! Your wife is to congratulated! So may I wish you and your family a wonderful and safe Christmas from my family to yours! My family has split up this year..with my eldest daughter spending her first Christmas away from home in Galway (Ireland) and My eldest son is bringing his fiance over for lunch, while the youngest son and his girlfriend are going to her Mother's home. The youngest daughter, 18 years will be there for lunch ( if I can get her out of bed!)

  5. Please, tell your wife that her efforts deserve the best from her favorite Santa. I love the tree in front of the windows, it is beautiful! My hub leaves the lights strung on the tree and stores it covered during the year in the basement. We used to always have a real tree, but fire hazards and hauling a fresh tree gradually became too difficult to manage. I used to be so good at decorating with my un-limited imagination, but then I discovered that one tired ole' hammer man grew weary with a wife who held no hammers. :>) LOL
