Saturday, May 16, 2009

MOTORCYCLE CYBER TRIP....................DAY 2

Day two finds us riding at a fast pace headed for Birmingham,Al. to meet up with LindaO. We are being pursued by a gang of little people riding their small cycles because Wade insulted them when we stopped to eat at Tiny's Biker Bar and Grille. Wade called them Midgets and in-sighted a near riot, The gang of little people are increasing in numbers as they ride through different states. What started out to be about 25 little riders is now reported to be about 100 of them. One of Diana's fellow truck drivers has report the growing numbers on his CB radio.
We are near our meeting place , Birmingham Hospital parking lot. LindaO didn't want us to meet her this early in the morning on her street. She was afraid we would make too much noise and wake her neighbors. Besides she just got off work at the hospital. She a nurse that likes to ride her motorcycle. I can't understand why a nurse would want to make this trip with this band of riders. Hey, I think I see her with a red motorcycle with a sidecar in the parking lot.
Hello LindaO so glad to finally meet you. That's some sharp cycle you have. Looks like you have it loaded with all kinds of items. Linda, " Yes, NickO I like to be prepared for the unexpected when I go some where." LindaO is meeting the other riders and they exchange hugs. She hasn't attempted to hug Wade yet. She did give him a wave. My goodness LindaO I can't believe all the stuff you have in the sidecar. I see a first aide kit, we might need that, a blood pressure machine, a snake bite kit and a pack of surgical needles and thread. LOL!!! those we might need but I see some other items you are bring along. A roll of duct tape, WD-40, a can of fix a flat, large makeup case, curling iron, 3 or 4 suitcases. Girl, we aren't going around the world, it's just a cyber trip. LindaO," well you never know what we might need out on this trip." Wade, " I agree with you LindaO, whats in this bag I'm holding??" Wade you put that bag down right this minute, that my personal things. Wade you heard the woman don't open that bag. You know women don't like men to open their belongings. Wade has opened the bag anyway. He's holding up a pair of black leather bikini's and a red thong. Wade, " There's no way that woman will fit in either one to these." LindaO, "Wade you are a horse's behind." (Clean version)
This trip is growing, Jacquie who rides a cycle for real rides into the parking lot to meet the gang. Hey, guys I just saw a gang of midgets on little cycles back about ten miles riding like crazy. There must have been a 100 of them. Their cycles sounded like a thousand chainsaw screaming. Hey, I see some more riders joining our ride. Hello Kim and she has brought along her Manthang. Welcome you two. I just don't understand how those little people know where we are going?? Some of the riders have theories about how the midgets are following our group. Ichampe aka Louise, " I bet they are listening to our CB radio chatter." Kim, "No way!! we might have a spy in the group???" Manthang, " You are all wrong, they have a laptop and are reading NickO's blog." LMAO!!!! Yeah, that's got to be the reason.
Gang, we better hit the road and stay ahead of those little people. Tomorrow more riders and two hot rods will join the ride. On our way to Greenville, Miss. to meet more riders. Travel safe!! Varoom, Varoom, etc......................................... Tomorrow, Mia Delight and who knows??????


  1. Thx for making be the bad guy yet again.........I wouldn't do that.....LOL OK OK I'm busted! I would have but only after we got to know each other better. I think it's time we took a stand against those midgets....they are starting to get on my nerves! Welcome to all our new riders!! Glad to have a nurse present! I think we may need one.

  2. Great!! Great Post! Enjoy reading this blog my friend! make me day!! :o)
    Thankyou my friend. ~Hugs~

  3. Wade,We will need the nurse. I have a plan to get rid of the durn midgets chasing us. Do you think a tractor and trailer truck would do the trick playing chicken with them?? I might send one straight at them. It's your fault. We didn't get to eat back there. LMAO!!!!

  4. YOU take me to a midget bar and it MY fault??? Like you didn't know what was gonna happen......

  5. Giggling watching out for the little people~smilies~d~

  6. When are you planning on making it to Oklahoma??? My bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside my door.....waiting

  7. ROFLMBO ~ ALL I can say is Wade has to sleep some time and remember in those bags I am prepared for everything! Glad to have Jacquie along... sure she will have a plan to help loose the little people!

  8. But I didn't do it!! I thought it was my lunch bag..........

  9. ROFL, what an adventure! You guys had better get rid of those small people before we join up, but please don't hurt them, they are people too you know, even if they are small... Anyway, glad we have Linda along, she can maybe distract them dressed in that leather bikini! See you all tomorrow, drive safely!

  10. I'm just going to cruise, and drink beer. Gee Wade, you're always getting into trouble. I have a plan or two to get rid of the midget bikers. But, I'm sure that Nick will have a more devious plan. (Linda knowing Wade and Nick, I'd keep that first aid kit handy.)

  11. Don't mention me in this !!! Nick dragged me into this story............

  12. okay.... the bags do look similar, I'll give you that! (Wink)

  13. Oh, that would distract them alright!!! Can't wait till we meet up with you! (Just make sure your bag doesn't look like Wade's lunch bag!!!!!!!!!! ROFL

  14. thats my story and I'm sticking to it !

  15. got Linda pegged....but those suitcases....those are what she takes to work every night.

  16. okay, I would like to deny it (but everyone in the hospital knows if they needsomething to come to me!!! It's bond to be in that bag... anything from a sewing kit to a first aid kit (of couse you need one of those at the hospital ~ it's a dangerous place). And in all fairness Cherie, only one of those bags a night (big smile)

  17. ROFL!!! Is the U.S. of A ready for this??

  18. He he he, just wait till you see our rides and the company!
