Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My sister has always been an animal lover. Over the years she has had a wide variety of animals as pets. Everything from dogs and cats to horses, calf's, bulls, rabbits, ducks. She is always on the lookout for stray dogs and cats. Her husband has been very sick over the last few years and recently he decided to buy some hens and a rooster. He found 8 hens for $6.00 a piece and gave $10.00 for a rooster. The man he bought them from assured him that the hens were of the age to begin laying. My sister built a pen for the new additions to the farm and installed some boxes with straw in them for their laying nest.
After a month Rick told Pam if those hens don't start laying this week I'm going to have some fried chicken. Pam had talked to my wife about the hens being in danger of becoming dinner. My wife told her to get some country eggs and act like the hens have started laying. Sis found some country eggs and gave $2.00 a dozen for them and began to announce to Rick, " we got two eggs today which thrilled him to death. " Well I guess that little talk I had with them being fried chicken paid off." Pam was way too smart not to take the clean eggs into the house for Rick to see, she would smear a little dirt on each egg. As of today poor old Rick brags to everybody about the great deal he got on the hens and rooster and how they are producing eggs every day. He would blow his top if he knew those eggs cost $2.00 a dozen. Hey, he got 3 eggs yesterday. It's the same eggs????


  1. Gee it sounds like Rick has about the same business acumen that I have! :-)

  2. Ha ha ha, what a hilarious story Nick, love it! Hope those eggs taste good...

  3. Ah, ha ha - she sounds like she is related to me. Good girl.

  4. LMAO That's a great story Nick! Someday when he finds out he is going to blow like a hurricane! LOL What a deception ......... I have had a lot of good layers around my farm too ......... Now I wonder if Claire ............. nawwwwwwwwwwwww ........still .................... hmmmmmmm

  5. LMAO,,, those eggs must be rotten by now... I hope she doesn't drop one in the kitchen floor. ewwwwww... That's kinda like a man going fishing and stopping at the fish market on the way home and buying fish....

  6. The thing is when it's cold, most hens will stop laying..same goes while they're molting. If they are young hens, they'll begin to molt in early spring. When the new feathers are in, most mixed hens will lay 2-3 eggs a day after that. Also, the thickness of the shell will tell the age of a chicken..if it's a thin, weak shell the hen is old, and her laying days will soon be over. A good trick, but not for someone who knows chickens! LOL!

  7. wonderful story, lol. i had that same talk with my chickens, didnt take tho

  8. Yeah Chris made chicken salad out of hers and bought eggs at the store I bet.
