Thursday, July 16, 2009


As I listen to young kids in our family and circle say and do some strange things that makes everyone laugh. Here are a few.
Monica, our minister's four year old daughter sitting on the front row at church beside her mom as her dad delivered his sermon. Brother Roy was noted for his long sermons. Monica left her seat and walked up to the pulpit and said to her dad as the church was quite. " Roy, CARTOONS ARE ON, LET'S GO HOME."
My wife's niece's five year old son, Brandon has kept us all in stitches with some of his actions and sayings. He too is the son of a preacher man. His great grandmother keeps him on Fridays. Her husband Parker suffers from Parkinson disease. One day out of no where Brandon says, " I just don't like OLD PEOPLE."
Brandon is into Thomas Trains and has over 40 of them. His mom told him to be nice and share his trains with one of his friends from day care that would be visiting. When his playmate and his family arrived; he went up to his room put all his trains except two or three into his backpack and wore it the whole time his playmate was there. LOL!!!
Brandon was visiting his grandmother. " Brandon are you going to spend the night with us??" "NO, YOU DON'T HAVE A NEW HOUSE!!!!! I DO." Son of a preacher man......look out world.


  1. Ha ha ha, they just say what they think, we don't lol!
    The trains in the back pack must have been quite heavy lol!

  2. if only we could be as honest as kids are.
