Sunday, July 12, 2009

GARDEN AT OUR HOUSE....................

The last several years we have only planted a small garden but this year I opened my big mouth and said, " Lets plant a big garden one more time." My wife agreed with me this time so we decided to plant a variety of vegetables. We hadn't planted any corn in two years so that was the first two rows in the garden. Our planting was late this year because of the amount of rainfall we had. Once planted we thought all the seeds would be washed away. Finally it quite raining and the garden began to thrive. A long row of okra, tomatoes in the wire cages, green beans two rows , three rows of peas, cucumbers, squash and bell green peppers and some hot peppers. Two rows of later sweet corn which I call Wal-Mart corn because the Coop had run out of garden seeds in bulk. My wife relented to plant this but It is growing quite well. The string with the yellow ribbons attached is to discourage the deer from entering the garden, they think it's an electric fence. So far it works but not all deer are smart??? We are beginning to see the fruits of all our labor. We have had cucumbers, squash, green beans, peppers. The first corn should be ready this next week. The garden has required a huge amount of our time but things are working out great even though we have had to water from our city water supply.
Not to be out gone I decided I wanted to try and raise some watermelons and cantaloupes and sweet potatoes. The fence in area around the sweet potatoes are protecting them from rabbits.Yeah, those bunnies found them and ate three or four plants down to the ground  before I came up with the fence idea.
We will be very busy canning and freezing the vegetables in the near future. HOE, HOE and HOE some MORE. PRICELESS???????


  1. It is priceless Nick... And when you open a container of green beans or corn this winter, you will be even more pleased with what you have done...There is a pride in feeding yourself like this...

  2. Wow, that's some garden! It sounds delicious and I'm sure it's going to taste delicious too.

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much work Nicko!! Great looking garden tho.

  4. wow, thats not a garden, thats a FARM!!! fantastic looking plants. ours are hidden by tall grass, lol. i told ron the grass is protecting them from the heat. well it could be. . .couldnt it??

  5. That is so exciting! It looks fabulous. I did not realise you had so much land to play with from the photograph of the front of your home. What a healthy looking garden. Do you have solar panel electric fences in the US? - I gather they are the most economical.

    This extra outdoor exercise will also have got you really healthy ( and dangerous?) - *grin*

  6. I sent my bunnies to your garden cuz you had more to eat. Hope you don't mind.Hehehe

  7. Gee Nick! A food bank. What a healthy looking garden it looks great.

  8. You have a green thumb!! What a lovely looking garden!!

  9. You get to freeze all the meat you get protecting it too!! Geez a man needs a tractor to farm that much land.

  10. Good lookin garden. We had a small garden this yr but with no rain and the heat, it didnt do real well but was able to can green beens. I did put up some squash, okra and purple hull peas in freezer. Its been way too HOT here and no rain so most is burning up. Theres still a little okra but not for long. I was raised in NETX picking about 20 acres of peas so I WILL NOT STEP FOOT IN A GARDEN NOW. Ill shell all day and can and freeze but wont pick as long as theres a pea in the gro store. I would if I was starving but Iv got enough fat storage I wont starve real soon...L~
