Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The golf match between Mia Delight and NickO is finally going to happen. I've been practicing my game after I found out that Mia was a champion in her country of New Zealand. She didn't tell me that her championship was from playing miniature golf. LOL!!!
She has asked to have the match on a neutral sight which works for me. I can have Wade as my caddy since he is barred from my golf course for life. The match will be over different golf course holes all over the world. Three holes will be played each day for a total of 18 holes. I case of a tie; we will play until someone is declared the winner.
Tomorrow let the game begin..... Mia's Championship....at sea??


  1. Oh Boy !! I can't wait. Maybe I can drive the ship while I'm there! Looking forward to caddying for ya Nicko! I'll bring the beer cooler.

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha NickO, is that what it was?? I must have won that championship in my sleep then cause I suck at mini golf he he.
    So are we playing mini golf or real golf then, that's the question? I guess you mean real golf or you wouldn't need Wade as a caddy.... Now, I hope you will let me choose mine?

  3. oh wow, i better check my frequent flyer miles. . .

  4. LOL Mino Golf now thats cute .... Watch out Mia ...Nick is a pro...

  5. Hurry up Nick, finish cutting all those yards!
