Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Entry for October 15, 2007 RAMBO RACCOON.....PART 2 magnify
That varmint continued to outsmart me. Rambo seemed to sense my every move. I kept changing my tactics on ways to trap him. I didn't have any trouble getting him into the baited trap, my problem was keeping him in. Rambo must have some of Houdini's escape methods? When I would check the trap in the mornings he had ate the bait, the door was down and locked but no Rambo!! When I expected him to come late, he would arrive early and when I thought he would come early he showed up late. GGGRRRRR!! Does he have ESP?? I wanted to trap him and relocate him to another zip code. I know many of you wanted this to happen but I gave up on this option, after all he's a varmint and is causing havoc around our house.
One night I baited the trap with some rat poison in grain form. The next morning the door was down on the trap and it was locked but no Rambo. He threw out all the rat poison on the ground and didn't eat any of it. Rambo 5----Nicko O! The next night I mixed cat food and the rat poison together, you guessed it, he ate the cat food but didn't eat any of the poison!! Rambo 6---Nicko O! Rambo must have went to Raccoon University, he must have graduated at the top of his class??.
Yeah, he's smart but does he know anything about electronics? I spent most of the day Saturday working on a new plan. During all this time messing with Rambo I have never seen him. If I could see him I might be able to get rid of that varmint??
My new plan involved a motion detection light. I mounted the device on a tree near the trap. The device was set to view the area around the trap. No light bulb was placed in the device but a drop cord is plugged into one of the light sockets and the other end was run back into my shop and a light bulb was put into the end at the shop. If something moved in front and around the device the light would come on in my shop and I would know something was near the trap, I hoped it was Rambo. The trap is about 30 feet from the front door of my shop.
Darkness was setting in and I began to prepare. A lawn chair was placed near the open door, I had a flashlight near my chair and my 410 shotgun loaded in my lap. About an hour later my light came on in the shop, my heart began to race, was Rambo outside?? Slowly with flashlight in my left hand and the shotgun in my right I stepped out the door and there was Rambo, a HUGE RACCOON!! He saw me and he began to run, I stopped and in an instance Rambo was no more!!
Sunday morning I found another raccoon in my trap, perhaps Rambo Junior. He was relocated to a new zip code.


  1. OMG Nicko, you must be a good shot! 6-1 to you lol. Glad you got him in the end, varmint musn't outsmart humans, that is not good he he he. Love this story.!

  2. Man, Oh Man you've got a problem on your hands. It's SuperCoon!!!

  3. awwwwwwwwwww poor Rambo and Junior Rambo! :o(
