Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hey, it's Flash the news hound with some good news and some bad news.First the bad news. It happened to me the other day. If you are a dog don't lose your collar and dog tag while scratching your neck. While out for a walk in the neighborhood a man in a truck in a white outfit stopped the truck and called to me to come to him. Well, the dumb one answered his call and he picked me up and placed me in a cage in the back of the truck. Man, did I tell him off,BARK, BARK, ARF, ARF ( translated; I'M LEGAL, I'M LEGAL.) He took me to this place I've heard about from some of my cousins. I'm being incarcerated against my will. Man, it sure is noisy in here with all the dogs and cats yelling out. Looks like I will have to make the best of my stay. My owner will come and bail me out soon, I hope?? They say a dog is mans best friend but I say that man is dogs best friend. When a new person arrives at this site to choose a pet to adopt all the animals yell out pick me, pick me with their barks and meows.
A good thing happened while I stayed at the Franklin County Animal Shelter. A good looking female, a mixed black and tan cockier spaniel maned Suzy had the adventure of her life. She had been placed on by the F.C.A.S. and a lady in New Boston, Michigan started the process to adopt Suzy. Suzy had all the qualities Mrs. Lange required in a new pet. Since Suzy was in Winchester, Tennessee and Lange was in Michigan problems developed as to how to get Suzy to Michigan. The cost was to great to fly her on a commerical carrier and too far to drive. To the rescue of both Suzy and Lange came Pilot-n- Paws. Lange found a non profit group that had the solution to the problem. Several pilots have donated there aircraft and time to transport new adopted pets to their new owners. The F.C.A.S. had outfitted Suzy with a new sweater, blanket, cage and food and water for her flight to Ann Arbor, MI. A pilot from Jackson, Tn. arrived in Winchester to fly Suzy on her first leg of her trip. Mr. Earwood and Suzy had to wait several hours for the weather conditions to clear before they were in the air to Frankfort, Ky. Once they touched down in Ky. another pilot, Kathy Stanton was waiting to resume the flight to Ann Arbor where Lange had driven from her home in New Boston to pick up Suzy. Suzy likes her new digs and owner but not the snow. She is still a Southern Belle.
They finally let me go and I'm on my way home, excuse me I need to check out that fire plug. Later Flash.


  1. Gee they dropped her off 11 miles from my house! LOL great story

  2. Awwww, what a wonderful story. Thanks Nick. HUG "O"

  3. What a nice good news story - quite made my day. Thanks Nick.

  4. Flash the news hound, did a great job with this news flash! Good boy!!!!
    ~smilies~d :o)

  5. Oh Flash, what were you thinking??? Hope you learned your lesson, now STAY!
    I'm sure daddy will forgive you now you had that heart warming story to tell lol!

  6. wonderful blog, loved the story! ty for sharing xxxx

  7. What a great thing the Pilot-n-Paws do... what an adventure for Suzy!!! Bet she had the surprise of her life when she was greeted with all those hugs and love in Michigan!!! Great story! And as for loosing your dog collar while scratching your neck... sometimes a guy just has to do what a guy has to do!!! ROFL.. now I see the NICKO!
