Tuesday, February 2, 2010


His name was J.W. Keller. An all American boy if there ever was one. J.W. was a friend, classmate and team mate of mine all through school. He had all the qualities required to make him a rare individual. He was a straight A student all through school, an athlete, class president each year in high school and the most popular boy in our class. With all these great qualities J.W. was still there to help anyone with their classwork if needed. Being small in statue didn't kept him from being a good shortstop on the baseball team and a great little guard on the basketball team. He was only five foot six but excelled in every thing he tried. He was the reason I didn't get to play first team in basketball but when I did play he was my greatest supporter. 
Christmas 1957 J.W. was on his way to pick up his date for the dance at the Country Club. His sister had let him drive their new Studebaker car that foggy night. J.W. probably never saw the train that night as he went across  the tracks; the crossing at the time didn't have warning lights or gates. The train plowed into the driver's door and carried the car 300 feet down the tracks before coming to a stop. Our Jaybird was dead at age 17. His life was short but his effects on my life has lasted all these years.
Attending his funeral at the Methodist Church was filled to capacity with people and flowers. Tullahoma High School named a trophy in his honor to be voted on by the members of his basketball team. The trophy was awarded to the player that contributed team spirit, sportsmanship and hard work to the team. I was the first winner of the J.W. Kellar Trophy. Each time I view the trophy I remember the great guy who's life ended way too soon.


  1. The only consolation Nick, is that he will forever be 17.....................very sad, Rest in Peace...Mike...

  2. That reminds me of a classmate, he was very good looking and popular with everyone. At the age of 17 he decided he could not go on, took a shotgun and blew away the bottom half of his face, and lived. To this day he is in a mental facility. Unable to care for himself. So sad, almost wishing he could have accomplished what he set out to do.

  3. Great Memmories ! R.I.P. JW. He's never gone as long as he is remembered by his friends.

  4. I agree with Wade, as long as J.W. is in your heart and in you mind, he will always be there. I bet he is the busiest guardian angle up there.

  5. There must be lots and lots of people who missed him... So sad when a life is ended so young...
