Monday, January 25, 2010


Back in the day when in school there were always fads that kids would try to be different. I guess it's not any different than what kids do today. The old pink shirt fade; almost all the cool boys were wearing them. By the time I had enough money to buy one they were out of style. I think I might have worn mine two or three times. Yeah, I was almost always the last to get in style with the current trend.
My next door neighbor, Henry was in the same boat with me. We were best buddies. We sold newspapers, mowed yards, dug fishing worms to sell and any other odd jobs a young boy could do to earn money. Both of our parents were poor and lived from paycheck to paycheck. There wasn't much money left from Dad's earning after providing the basic needs for our family of five.
I had seen an older boy who had a haircut that was so different from everyone else. All the young boys in school either had a crew cut or a flat top haircut. Man, if me and Henry got one of those haircuts they call a Mohawk we would be the coolest boys in school. We begin to talk and laugh about when we went to get our next haircut we would get a Mohawk.
The day finally rolled around and we were off to the barber shop. Mr. Trawick's shop was located upstairs over the town's only drugstore. We had to wait while he finished cutting an old man's hair." Henry, your next," as Henry climbs into the chair. " How do you want yours cut??? Give me a Mohawk, Henry says and Mr. Trawick proceeds to scalp Henry's head all except a strip of hair running from the middle of his head to the back of his neck. After seeing what the Mohawk looks like on Henry's head I'm thinking I'm not going to get that kind of haircut( boy did I have second thoughts)
Once in the barber chair, "how do you want your haircut??" Give me a flat top Mr Trawick!! Henry, " Nick you are a chicken, if you don't get a Mohawk I'm going to whip your butt (and he probably could)" Give me a Mohawk!! (one BAD decision) When I got home I was in big trouble with MOM. Son, what in the world were you thinking. People will think you don't have any sense; get me the belt. Man did this 12 year old get a good whipping. I should have took a chance on Henry giving me a whipping; at least I could have fought back. Looking back my hair was never the same after that awful looking haircut. No, we didn't start a new fad in school. Everyone laughed and made fun of us. They call me Tonto and Henry Paleface.

It was different!!


  1. ROF~ You and Wade have mucho in common.

  2. Oh myyy,, this brings back memories of a few times I allowed one of my boys to go to the barber shop alone....

  3. LOL, what a story, if that's you in the pic you still look very handsome he he he

  4. LMAO I got my last mohawk when I was 45. When I retired from the punk scene I just grew it out and dyed it. Now I don't even do that. I miss the young days of weird haircuts and blue hair.
