Sunday, April 27, 2008


Spring has finally arrived here in Tennessee. The winter wasn't very bad as we didn't have a big snow this year only a couple of dustings. Mother nature is busting out at her seams with the trees putting on their greenry. Our yard is growing much to fast and mowing is a weekly chore. A small veggie garden is prepared for planting of tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce and radishes. We will have our hands full this summer with all that is to do outside.
Yesterday my wife removed her potted plants from their winter home in the basement to the out doors. She pruned and place over 100 plants to their new surroundings on tables and the deck. She is very good with flowers and we are running out of space to put in new flower beds. I'm looking forward to planting some new flower seeds from my online friend in France, thanks again Christine. We exchange some flower seeds last winter.
In and around our house we have some early flowers and plants already in bloom. I hope you will enjoy viewing
the photos.


  1. Irises and carnations like that already?! The first iris arrived here today. Will photography it tomorrow. But the carnations will arrive much later, I think...
    What is the last bush?

  2. Really nice flowers! Can tell your wife is a great gardener! =o) Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

  3. You know I love flowers Nick and your home looks so pretty. Thanks for your visits to me and it is high time i come over to see your new home here too. and I am not one bit disappointed my dear friend..Hugs from Milli.

  4. NIce how much fun is that? We are just starting to get nice and green here. Can't plant untill june 1st. Don't want a late freeze to take them out. Have an awesome evening.

  5. Just so gorgeous....I love your garden.
