Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I never expected to meet an unforgettable old man during my stay in the hospital. Mr. Carl Copeland was indeed a person I want soon forget. He was 96 1/2 years old and proud of each year of his life. He was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. A small man in stature with a keen mind at his advance age. I should be so lucky to have his amazing memory.
The old man could get up from the bed to go to the bathroom on his own. He never rang for a nurse during my three days in the room with him. He always praised the nurses with their efforts. He brought a smile to my face as I listened to him telling his doctor his thoughts on why the doctor put him in the hospital. " Doctor you told me you were going to do great wonders for me this time in the hospital and I haven't seen you in two days." The doctor made some kind of excuse as to why he hadn't seen him in two days. The old man wasn't buying into the excuse and let the doctor have a piece of his mind. He agreed to stay two more days and give the doctor another chance to help his condition.
The old man was on a water restriction diet of 1,200. On the second night of my stay he had reached the limits of his water intake. He tried ever nurse, aide that came into his room for more water only to say you can't have anymore tonight. All the rest of the night the old man was on a mission to find water. He was caught twice in the hall and put back to bed each time. He lost one of his house shoes and almost torn the curtains down between us trying to locate it. He was caught in the bathroom with his head under the sink faucet drinking water by the nurse. She said, " I'm going to get YOU!! To which he replied, " Well someone needs to get ME!!" The nurse finally gave him a half a cup of ice chips when she got him back into bed. He sounded like a horse eating corn chewing on the ice for about 30 minutes. I didn't get much sleep on the second night but it was worth the experience of Mr. Copeland's water mission. I believe the GOD has already blessed this man with 96 1/2 years of life.


  1. Reminds me of my Godfather who died last year at 95... At age 92 he was bowling and golfing and sharp as a tack. He survived a boat sinking somewhere in NY I believe, years ago....Don't remember the details I'll have to find it on the internet.

  2. Crikey, why can't they let an old man drink water for crying out loud. What a great experience to meet someone like that. Hope he drank to his hearts content even if it killed him lol

  3. i notice that you have..also...enjoyed your stay there!

  4. Awesome !!! I love really old people. They are such a hoot and really don't care what anyone thinks by that age. They will do and say almost anything. Most times it is something funny or a praise of someone. You don't get that old harboring hate or having mean things to say about people. There's a lesson in there somewhere ..............

  5. I love your story, nick. That's so cool to go in the hospital scared to death and while your there all of your attention is turned to someone who has lived such a long life and has a sense of humor ta-boot. God bless this old man who helped turn your hospital stay into memorable moments~smilies~d~

  6. Yes, it is great to meet real people. I think to get to that age he probably knew what his body needed more than the doctors did - unless he was due for an exploratory op or similar the next day.

  7. Really Great this Story my friend.
    The important Law of God is "LOVE"
    Thanks for sharing.
    ~Rosa~ :o)

  8. Nick, this story has kept me in deep thinking mode since last week. The inner strength and love of life is a gift from God and if this frisky 'lil old man continues to fight and appreciates his gift he might live to 113. I feel bad that hospitals treat so many elderly with disrespect, but the nurse with the ice chips was a saint.

  9. This is an old post, but I discovered it while searching for an obituary of my great uncle, Carl Copeland. He has now passed on, after 98 years. Saw him last August, and his mind was still sharp. But cancer was too much for his body. He will be missed greatly!
    -Patricia Kington Johnson (
