Saturday, September 27, 2008


History was made yesterday, 9-26-2008 with the first human flight with a jet powered wing attached to a man. He is Yves Rossy, a Swiss pilot and daredevil. He is called Fusion Man. His invention of the flying wing made history yesterday as he jumped from a plane in Calais, France firing up his jet pack as he approached the English Channel and flew like a bird over the channel and landed without incident in Dover, England.
When interviewed Yves stated he always since age 9 wanted to fly like a bird. Through out history, man has envisioned flying with the birds. Well done Mr. Yves Rossy, your place in aviation history was accomplished.
A great video of this flight can be seen at this Lady's site----


  1. Wow I never heard of this. I see he was smart enough to test it over water! LOL

  2. He's made 30 test flights since 2004 but this has been the longest by far - it must've been a wonderful (if not a little scary) feeling to do that.

  3. Over the English Channel? I guess he is also a strong swimmer too?

  4. Oh - it must have been a fantastic feeling!
