Monday, July 24, 2006


Things in our past we remember!!!!

1. Remember when gas was 19.9. I bought gas one time for 9.9 during a gas war in 1959.

2.You could buy a soda for a nickel, a candy bar for a nickel.

3. Remember those nickel boxes of peanuts that sometimes you found a penny,nickel,dime or quarter in them.

4.What happen to Uncle Remus Candy kisses?

5. Sugar Daddys

6. First kiss

7. First car

8.First TV

9.First time you found some money

10.Green stamps

Friday, July 14, 2006

Entry for July 15, 2006 NO MORE OCEAN FOR ME!!!!!!

On a vaction trip to visit my uncle and aunt in Jacksonville, Fla. years ago Uncle JB took me on my first and last deep sea fishing adventure. We got up early on the morning of our planned fishing trip. After our coffee and cereal we were off to to the dock and boarded our boat. The boat was a 50 footer with 50 people on board. One poor old lady started throwing up walking up the ramp. This should have gave me a hint of things to come. The day started out perfect, weather was great and not a cloud in the blue sky. Dolphins followed our boat as we went 17 miles our to our fishing spot. I caught a strange fish on the way out.It looked like a frying pan with sharp teeth. Once the captain anchored over a great fishing school the fun began. We were catching redsnapper sometimes two at a time. Out of nowhere a storm came up and the boat began to list back and forth, the waves were crashing over the boat railings. I had two life jackets on as I didn't know how to swim, I went down below as I was now very sea sick. I threw up rice krispers all day long and I had only eaten one bowl. We tried to talk the captain into going back to the dock but he replied this aint nothing and you have paid for a all day trip. Man that was the saddest news I had ever heard. Two people stayed out and fished the entire time the storm lasted, Uncle JB was one of them. Finally late that evening the captain pulled up anchor and headed back to the dock. Trouble was just beginning, the durn motor caught fire and we are still about 12 miles from shore. I had been praying to get off the ocean during the storm. Now I'm praying harder, LORD if you will get me off this ocean I will never get on it again. A call goes out and a sister boat comes to our aid and pull us back to the dock. The only person sicker than me is the poor old lady that started throwing up getting on the boat, she never got to wet a line. Uncle JB and I arrive back at his house about 4 in the morning. I had planned on going back to Tennessee that day but I'm to sick to drive so we stay an extra two days. I'm sad to say that JB died about five years later with cancer but until his death he always laugh about my fishing trip.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Entry for July 09, 2006 BBQ AND STRIPPERS???????

We were at the funeral home to pay our respect to a deceased neighbor one night. Dressed in our funeral home attire, I asked someone where is the best place to get some BBQ. They told me about a PLACE OUTSIDE OF TOWN that had the best BBQ around. Upon leaving the funeral home  we drive out in the country to find the BBQ place. Two cop cars pass us with blue lights flashing at a high rate of speed. Once we arrive at the BBQ place we spot one of the cops arresting a drunk who was causing some trouble. This BBQ place turns out to be a night club. I ask another cop how is the BBQ and he replies, " It's very good if you don't mind the strippers. I DON't mind. Carolyn tells me I mind, get in the car we are not getting any BBQ here. The only time I ever had a chance to see a BBQ STRIPPER AND CAROLYN SPOILS MY Chance.

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Entry for July 07, 2006,Things I'm at war with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a constant  WAR ME AGAINST THEM. Them usually wins. I'm not a war with just one thing but many . Japanese beetles eat the leaves off of my fruit trees, flowers. They were imported by nurserys to control thislie but they don't eat my thislie. Please export back to Japan!!! Ants, I have battled you ever year and you are always one up. Squirrels you get my peaches and pecans. You also get lead from my guns, both rifle and shootgun. You like the rifle because it take several shots to run you off. Sometimes you run right into the bullet but not enough. Moles, whats wrong with my yard, you keep plowing it up. Your number one with Carolyn. Though the years something always gets in the garden. Deer,rabbits, groundhogs,birds, dogs,cows ,horses and little creatures we can't see. You have all caused me pain but now that i'm retired or retarted I can battle you full time. Watch OUT!!!!!!

Monday, July 3, 2006

Entry for July 04, 2006 Retirement is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my first day of retirement. I had been working since I was 15 years old . Now 67  and it was time to call it quits. Although I have retired I'm going to be working full time for wife, Carolyn. She wants a mini-barn and a sun room builted. I sure hope she isn't a slave driver??? Yesterday she let me coast all day long, not one thing she wanted me to do. I don't think that will last very long???? Tonight we are going to Winchester to Thunder on the lake. It's just started to rain here and we need the rain, maybe it want rain on the fireworks later tonight.Washed the truck this afternoon so you would know it would rain. It rains on the just and on the unjust. Happy Fourth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Entry for July 03, 2006 Hot Dogs, Fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invited to my sister and brother-in law for Hot dogs and fireworks. 40 or more people showed up for the big event put on by Sis, Billy Ray, Shea, Brandy and Micheal. There was plenty to eat and drink but the highlight to the evening was Billy Ray and Micheal's Fireworks shoot. Their fireworks were of the BIG TIME TYPE.  $260 up in clouds of smoke in about 30 minutes. The little kids enjoyed it and us BIG KIDS LOVED IT. Fireworks always takes my back to my younger days. Pa Barnes would always give all the grandsons a big bag of firecrackers. Cherry bombs, M-80's for Christmas. We would go down to the Elk river about three blocks behind the house and throw them into the water and watch the explosion displace the water into  a high water fall. Remember you happy days!!!!!!!!