Sunday, September 19, 2010


Blog Entry
for everyone
Years ago everyone around here knew old Porter. Porter became a celebrity in and around Winchester. People would travel near and far just to hear old Porter speak. Porter's home was huge by home standards. You didn't have to be invited to talk with Porter ; you just went inside where he lived and hunted him down to converse. Some times he was hard to find but if you followed the crowd you surely would find him holding a large audience. I never knew if Porter was a Democrat or a Repulican. He never talked politics. People around here liked that.
Time has a way of changing the order of things we are use to. Time changed Porter, no one knew just how old Porter was, he didn't show his age. It came time for Porter to leave his home of several years. The old home was beginning replaced with a new super one? Porter wouldn't be allowed to have the run of the super one like he had in the old one. Porter roamed free as a bird in the old home. Hint?? I know you are wandering who in the heck is Porter???
A new Super Wal-Mart was replacing the old one and Porter wasn't invite to go. This broke a lot of people's hearts that  had became attached to him. Heck,. I almost crIed.
Porter was a parrot that roamed the old Wal-Mart. He didn't get to move to the new store. We all wondered what ever happen to him. No one had an answer to his where abouts. People were heard asking what happen to Porter but no one had an answer.
Years later my wife and I were at a store that sell those concrete yard art items some 12 miles away. While looking at the wares we kept hearing strange voices and upon doing some investigating we found a parrot just talking up a storm. Hey, that sounds like Old Porter ...............AND IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and yet another reason to stay away from walmarts ...........

  2. Ohhh, I just love to re-discover an old friend...What a delight..

  3. amazing, and so nice...some things that we keep in our memories, never leave...and the nice ones, its a good thing :)) How are you doing my friend ? Texas is still afloat and hopefully approaching fall :))
