Thursday, September 16, 2010


You never know what people are going to tell when they are together. Yesterday a very odd thing happened when one of my golfing buddies told us about his mother.
His mother had complained for years that something was wrong with one of her legs. Sure enough after years of pain the leg was finally amputated. His mother made the strangest request; When I die I don't want to be buried without my whole body. Her leg was frozen and at her death the leg was placed into her casket.


  1. I have heard of that before. But I do not see that is necessary, I am sure she will be whole again wherever she is going.

  2. Wow! I haven't hear of that,.
    Sad post Uncle!
    Thanks for sharing :o)

  3. Mnnn. Strange...but I can seem to understand her request.

  4. yeeeeeeeeeeeesh How long did she live after the amputation? Her leg wasn't as old as the rest of her! That is an odd one ................Good story though Nicko. Leave it to you to find the rare ones !
