Monday, November 9, 2009

SMOKING WARS.....................

Come on in sit down at the table and have a cup of coffee. Smoke if you got them?? Two things my Dad loved to start his day off with. He loved his coffee and his Camels. He had smoked from age 9 till age 70. Many times he vowed to quit but never was able to kick the habit until he discovered he had lung cancer. Dad did finally quit the cigarettes but it was way too late in life to do any good. Cancer got the best of him at age 72. Looking back there were some funny stories about his smoking that I will share with you.
Riding with him to work where we were building a house he was coughing and hacking while driving his old Ford. He announced to all of us riding in the car ; that is the last cigarette I will ever smoke and threw the pack out the window into the cemetery as we passed by. Ten o'clock rolled around and Dad announced that he was going to the store to get us all a coke. When he came back to the job site that old Ford looked like it was on FIRE. 
Mother was washing the dishes while Dad was sitting at the kitchen table drinking his coffee. He couldn't get his lighter to work to lit up his camel. He was wearing one of those insulated light jackets made out of a nylon fabric, Not to be out done he turned the kitchen stove on high to lit his cigarette. His jacket sleeve caught on fire and Mom quickly put it out by throwing her rinse water all over him. LOL!!!!!
A big snow was on the ground and the roads were almost impassable and Dad had run out of cigarettes. He searched the house over but couldn't find a one. He founded some old pipe tobacco in a drawer and decided he would made a cigar. On the back porch he found an old brown paper sack like we use to get our groceries in on the floor. He tore off a piece of the sack and placed some of the pipe tobacco into it and rolled it into a nice big cigar. When he lit the end of the cigar it erupted into a giant flame. It burnt his eyebrows and eyelashes. After he threw it down on the floor and stomped it out Mom asked Dad where did you get the brown paper you rolled your cigar in. Dad replied I got it on the floor at the back porch. To which Mom said Hubert that is were I sat the Kerosene can!!!!!
I set here laughing at these memories of Dad. He was a hard working man who loved his family and friends and with each passing day I remember all those great times he gave us.


  1. Great Story! Lovely Post my friend.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hoping you have a wonderful week!
    Take care and be blessed.

    ~ Hugz :o)

  2. What a great tale. It sure is fun to sit back and listen to other people's stories. Thanks for sharing that Nick. You don't blog often but when you do it's a quality piece. LOL I'm a Pall Mall man myself.

  3. Great stories and memories! I started smoking when I was 12 and managed to finally quit nearly 3 years ago not. There are times when I still long for a cigarette.

  4. what a wonderful blog, and memories. thanks for sharing xxxx

  5. I am married to a smoking man. When we met,. I had quit smoking (again) prior to out first date(1976), but I Borrowed one of his Marlboros...then another , and another. I still cannot believe I smoked those!
    I started smoking again..and quit off and on through the years. I had my last one in 1987, after I was hospitalized with a brain bleed. I was in a coma for a few days, and when I came out of it, I swore, "I'd gone a week without a smoke, I'll go the rest of my life without them!"
    I really wish Hubby would stop, but I know it's something HE has to want to do. He has had a few times when he has to run off in the middle of a snowstorm, or late at night to buy them cuz heaven forbid he has to face the morning without one.
    My Grandpa lived to be 89, and chain smoked Camels. UNFILTERED! I stole a couple of them...LOL! HACK!

  6. LOL Nick, love your stories, keep them coming!
    Hope all is well with you!
