Monday, August 24, 2009

FALL CREEK FALLS ...................

One takes for granted the beautiful natural scenery that is located near where one lives. Years ago when the kids were small we enjoyed camping and exploring the natural surroundings near our home. My wife and I have been very busy with the garden this year and now it has slowed down. We have been unable to go any where this summer. My wife said to me Saturday, " lets go some where Sunday." Ok, I agreed but where do you want to go? Do you want to visit Fall Creek Falls State Park which is located about 75 miles from our home? Sounds good to me she said.
We had made the trip perhaps 30 years ago to see the waterfalls. Fall Creek Falls is a rugged paradise of over 20,000 acres of nature high on the Cumberland plateau. Scenic views of waterfalls,cascades,streams, plants, wildlife and virgin timbers will beckon a person to travel and view. The main attraction is the 256 feet waterfall. This is the highest waterfall in the eastern U.S.A. Two other falls in other locations of the park do no compare with the main falls.
A nice breakfast at Shoneys and we were off on a very scenic drive to the park. Are we there yet?? Ok, another 15 miles. Finally we arrive at the park entrance and followed the signs to the famous waterfalls. A short walk from the parking lot to the overlook area. The sounds of cascading water as we get near the viewing area. What a majestic sight as the stream of water spilled over the rock ledges and dissipated into a mist as it traveled slowly to the base of the falls into an awaiting pool. That folks was well worth the trip!! What a sight!!
A rocky trail awaits one if they wish to climb down to view the falls at the bottom. We decided that this might be our last chance in life to made the journey down and back. Some wooden steps to begin with and then a jagged rock trail that continued to twist in and around huge rock formations. One had to stop and let those on there way back to the top pass before proceeding the descend. People laughed and joked as they made the climb. The sound of falling water grew louder as we neared the bottom. A fine cool mist of water filled the air near the rocks as we stood in amazement at GOD'S GIFT TO MANKIND.
The trip down was a piece of cake compared to the climb back to the top. The climb down was about a half of a mile but it seemed like a mile going backup!! Several stops to rest and catch our breaths on the way back. Even the young with their dogs were having a hard time climbing back up. After 40 minutes we finally made it back to the top. We were the oldest ones to complete the trip. A great day and something we will cherish for the rest of our lives.


  1. WHat an amazing place. I am so glad ya took pics so I don't have to climb my fat ass up there! LOL

  2. I've been there Nick and it is just as awesome and breathtaking as you describe it....Those times are so nice and make such good memories.... Glad you went.... hugs

  3. It looks very pretty!

    Takes me all my time to climb my stairs in my house so there would be no chance of climbing that rocky trail! lol

  4. What a wonderful Sunday!!!! Always fun making memories with the people you love and I bet when you talk about the trip back up there will be lots of laughter at the huffs and puffs.... and what a beautiful sight.... well worth the effort!!!

  5. What a wonderful Sunday! Wish I had been there, but just about heard the sound of the waterfall as I read - then the photographs loaded up and I got visuals as well!! Thank you for sharing such a special day with us.

  6. Nick, I came as soon fast as I could move the keystrokes. I am fascinated with this waterfall! Did you two wear your AARP T'S? :>) I am teasing, but thank you for sharing and surviving too! Hugsxxxx

  7. Did you say 40 minutes, Mr. Nick?? WOW... Are you sure there's no cable car there? LOL....... Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.... Have a great summer!!!!!! God bless!!!!

  8. wow Nick thats so excellent and what a seems we are all being blessed. I thank you so much for the visit and wish you were here too on a visit! God Bless.

  9. WoW!! Gorgeous place my friend....
    Love the pic! LOL!!
    Thanks for sharing....
    Hugz.... :o)

  10. Beautiful pics. Thats the type of place Id like to go. Im short and fat but Id have walked down regardless how long it took me to get back up...L~
