Saturday, January 10, 2009


Bullying can take many forms and happen in many different places. We see it in the workplace in the home and the sports field but most commonly at school where children learn as much about how to behave towards others as they do about the education. Unfortunately, some children learn only too well how to dominate others by foul means and sadly begin to enjoy doing so setting a pattern for how they will behave as adults. Meanwhile other children more easily dominated suffer miserably often in silence and develop a victim mentality that they may be unable to shake off.
In school there were several boys who discovered that they could dominate other people by the use of force. We all knew who these bullies were and tried to steer clear of any conflict with them. We knew of their actions from fights they were involved. Those bullies in our schools were first of all good with their fist and gained their reputations in action against other students. Bullies just need a reason to engage someone who they don't like into a fight. The guy might be a top student in the classroom, girls might adore him or he might posses some quality that will sit a bully off.
Two bullies while I was in school surfaced while we attended junior high school. The two of them begin as adversities trying to establish their power to be the baddest dude in junior high. In their fight neither one was a clear winner. After the fight they decide the two of them would rule. They soon became best friends and would always travel together showing their powers of force on others. Davin was a good basketball player and Johnny was a like able boy. Together they were trouble. If one was strong enough to fight and beat one of them the other would jump into the fight and together they would beat the other guy. I always hear that two against one wasn't fair but that didn't bother these two. All thorough junior high and into high school they were the bullies no one crossed.
I always heard that no matter how tough someone is there is someone around that is tougher. Davin and Johnny were on a collision course with an encounter that would spoil their reputation. This someone was a student named Austin; a straight A student all through junior and high school. The most like able, easy going, all American boy in the school. Some called him a genius, voted most likely to succeed and a hard playing football player. Perhaps all these qualities gnawed at the bullies and one of them called Austin out for a fight. " Meet me at Wards field after school, Davin told Austin in front a large gathering of students." I never expected Austin to take the challenge from Davin but he said; I'll be there." Man, I thinking Austin isn't as smart as everyone thinks he is. He knows Davin and Johnny work together. Poor old Austin is in for an ass kicking big time!!
Students begin to gether at Ward's field after school and Austin is the first one to arrive. Is he crazy?? Soon Davin and Johnny arrive. Davin walks up to Austin and says, " I didn't think you would have the guts to show up, you are about to get your ass whipped." Davin begins to swing at Austin and the fight is on. Back and forth the two go at each other. Austin isn't the one taking the beating. He's somehow whipping the bully. Davin is bleeding badly from his nose. Johnny comes to the rescue of Davin and takes up the fight , now both of them are fighting Austin. Austin gets in a good lick on Johnny and sends him down to the ground. The fight goes on a while longer until both Davin and Johnny can't take anymore punishment from Austin. Man, he has whipped both of the bullies in the fight. The students in attendance clap and praise Austin for the great fight that he just won. Davin and Johnny tuck their beaten carcasses and leave the scene. The next day the school is all a buzz with what had happen with Austin whipping both of those bad bullies. Austin never let the fight go to his head, he reverted back into the same person he was before the fight. Austin was my friend. He became a doctor after college. He never missed a day all through school and college. He came from humble beginings.
Davin didn't do as good. Several scrapes with the law after school and was sentenced to prison for rape. He was killed while in prison. Johnny fared better than Davin. He became a good citizen in our town. He raised those cock fighting roosters and sold them to people all over the world to fight.
I don't recall any girl bullies while in school. Perhaps some of you readers have stories about girl bullies.


  1. A good post Nick... There is no telling how many kids that bullies like these have intimidated and in some cases warped the personalities of those they inflicted their powers on...I always wondered if those bullies had problems at home that caused them to become that way... Whatever it is sad.

  2. Great post Nicko, Now gimme your lunch money and get the hell outta here! LOL

  3. I found that most bullies rely on brute strength rather than actually learning how to fight properly. I grew up in a tough neighbourhood (but not tough by American standards) and my father taught me early on how to fight, but I can only remember four instances where I had to do so.

    I sometimes tell the story, which may be true, of a woman who kept going to her Dr with this minor complaint, that minor complaint until finally he said you better strip down so I can give you a complete examination. And he was shocked to see that she was covered with bruises and to hear that her husband had been beating her up. His advice to her: learn judo. A year later she returns to the Dr saying she thinks she is pregnant which the Dr confirms. Then he anxiously asks about the troubles with her husband? How is she? The woman looks at him blankly for a moment and then smiles. Oh I took your advice, she says. He hit me. I picked him up and threw him out the kitchen window. He's been a perfect husband ever since.

    The next story is true, about a wife whose husband would make sure that when he bashed her he did it where it would not show. Finally she put on a big dinner party for all his friends and their wives and when everyone had dined and waiting on desert, she stood up and stripped right off to show all the bruising - "that's the work of your respected friend there" - she then dressed and served the desert. He never hit her or the children again.

  4. Yep Nick, those were around during my school days too. I remember once standing up to two of them, (they were actually twins, just like me), giving them hell for persecuting this whiny little runt of a boy. I knew they wouldn't dare hit a girl, and they actually left the boy alone after that!
    Why kids turn into bullies is anyones guess, but of course these kids have trouble at home and feel majorly unloved...

  5. Great Story! my friend....
    Thanks for sharing. :o)

  6. Forgive me but I must jump in here. Another type of bullying is of the blog type. I have seen it and it has shocked me so much. There are people that demand confrontations not understanding most of us don't want that.

  7. Great story here Nick and bullies are everywhere for all their own reasons. It is more of the Austins who we need in this world...another great post Mate!!!!
