Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Every day is a good day when you are out on the golf course playing golf. One doesn't care if he isn't the best in the group but I'm a competitive person and I want to win at any thing I try. Yes, I've won a few trophies in my day but I've lose a lot more.
Eight of us retired guys play every Wednesday in two men teams. We play scramble golf. For you non golfers that is then the two on a team hit their balls and you play the best shot of the two for your next shot. I know some of you are laughing about the recent statement?? Team work comes into play when one hits a bad shot and the other guy hits a good one. Some times both hit bad shots and that is big trouble for the team.
Doug and I are a team and we have won 15 out of 20 matches. He's from Green Bay, Wis. and owns The Sidetrac Restaurant. He really starts to play good after about 3 brews. I encourage him to start early. All of us encourage each other when we make a good shot or a bad shot. Case in point, Tom hits a long drive but it goes over some trees and into unknown rough. We comment, " Great drive!! happy hunting???" A little cruel but some times we will help him hunt for his ball. Tom just had laser eye surgery and when he makes a bad shot we say, " Tom they need to refund you some of that money back." Tom's partner is DOG!! That's what they all call him and I don't know why? I know him as Gary. He rides a Harley and is a die hard UT fan. UT as In Tennessee. Gary plays good most of the time. Of our 5 loses Tom and Gary have beat us twice.
Joe and John are a team. They don't hit the ball a long way but they are good at chipping the ball around the green. Joe is the better of the two with his smooth swing and shot making ability. If he is on his game he's hard to beat. I can believe the way he putts the ball, with one hand. I've nicknamed him the fugitive. You do remember that TV show??
The last team is Wayne and who every he brings the day we play. He started with a local football coach who wasn't a senior and he was one tough player. We accused Wayne of using a Ringer. We drew them that first time coach played and we lost by 4 strokes. He was way to good for us older guys. He only got to play two times before school and football practice started. Last time Wayne showed up with a very young man for his team. They lost to Joe and John.
I look forward to Wednesdays and a chance to play and observe mother nature in action. The course is beautiful maintain by a young man and his team. The greens are always in great shape. I'm glad tomorrow is golf day!! Hope the rain passes by?? FORE!!!!!!


  1. heheheeh you said balls.......heheheh

  2. seriously I have never known such fanatics at any sport like golfers. I have seen them using orange balls in the winter playing in light snow. I have seen them playing on days so hot the pavement is melting and I have seen them playing in rains that would drive a great lakes freighter into safe harbor. You guys are nuts by all meaning of the word.

  3. I have enough problems trying to play crazy golf (not sure if they call it that across the pond) don't think I'd even try to play "real golf", although I'm getting a bit of practice at it on the Wii, so you never know, one of these days I might come across the pond and challenge you! lol

  4. Sounds like you are all having a good time! Typical with some people that they play better after a beer or two haha. When we play scramble here it's usually a team of 4 or 6 where everybody hits the ball and you choose the best shot to play on. What you play sounds more like some kind of a greensome foursome?? I used to love playing scramble as I could go for the drives and then somebody else could take care of the putting hehe.
    Anyway, I came by to thank you for the visit the other day.
