Saturday, June 21, 2008


I'm caught in a trap, I can't walk away?? That song was running through my tiny little brain early this morning. I'll try to explain.
That old man that lives with my owner, I haven't decided if I like him or not. I only cozy up to him when he feeds me some times or when she is not around. Last year he went on rampage trying to capture a raccoon that was causing some problems around the fish pond. He's not all that smart but after a couple of weeks he finally caught Rambo in his trap. I was smart enough to stay out of that trap out near the pond although the smell of those sardines was tempting.
The lady of the house told him a groundhog was eating some plants in her garden. I saw some thing move in the yard so I was not able to hear what their plans were for the groundhog.
I sleep in the back shed in a wheelbarrow. I guess you could say I'm the TOP cat around. I'm a great hunter, I hunt for varmints on my domain. I've caught mice, rats squirrels, lizards, chipmunks, snakes, moles, rabbits and I really love those birds. This morning I was off on an early morning hunt and ventured up near the garden. To my surprise a new eating place had opened up. One of those outdoors places and the smell of my favorite, Meow Mix, caught my senses. I entered the open door and in the back of the room was a dish of Meow Mix waiting for me. As I approached the dish the door slammed shut with a loud bang. OML, I'm caught in a trap. Well while I'm here I can't let this food go to waste. There seems to be no way out of this trap. Maybe someone will hear me Meow. Hours pass, Oh there's the renter looking at his garden. MEOW,meow, meow, meow. translated: Get me out of here!!! He thinks I'm suppose to be in here. MEOW!!!!!!! I find out later that he called the old man up and told him your cats in the trap at the garden. Finally He comes and opens the door and I run out like I'm shoot out of a cannon. I lay low for most of the day but I see both of them laughing for some odd reason. Traps will be off limits from now on. In my defence it was still dark outside.
Later, Rustie.


  1. Very interesting, Nick.. writing from a cat's perspective. And here he was thinking he was too smart to be caught in the raccoon's trap.. hehe!

  2. BRAVO!! "More, more." Hug's and thanks.
