All our local woods squirrels must be having many visitors; their population has increased since the peach trees are loaded with fruit. The fruit is not ripe yet but they are removing peaches and eating only bites off them and I'm finding them all over the area. Years ago I lowered the squirrel population during hunting season. How to discourage those critters from getting the peaches? Well the scarce crow idea didn't work, I saw one squirrel climbing on Mr. scarecrow. When I get my shotgun out they know it and I don't see any of them. I know they are laughing at me. New idea???? How about some music near the peach trees. I think that might work!!
My plan was to place a radio near the peaches and have it playing music day and night. To far away from the house to plug it into an outlet. Only a small battery radio that doesn't pick up signals very good. That's out ! I do have several old car and truck radio's that were replaced over the years with more modern ones. I also have a couple of 12 volt car batteries and a battery charger. Do you see where this is going??? A five gallon plastic bucket will house the radio inside out of any rain showers and a speaker is mounted to the side of the bucket and a car antenna will be mounted in the bucket top and two wires run out the side to connect to the car battery which is located near the bucket. My wife said that all seems like a lot of work and I bet it want stop them. Oh, of so little faith.
My radio project takes a few hours to complete and finally I place it near the peach trees and tune in a strong station. To my amazement the strongest station is one that plays gospel music. I don't think the squirrels are Christian Squirrels or they wouldn't be stealing my peaches. Music fills the air and it's time to find a place to observe the squirrels and their reactions to the music.
After watching from the den windows later that day near night fall; the squirrels venture out of the woods and approach the peach trees and come to a stop and retreat back into the woods. LOL!! They will not go all the way out to get my peaches. Looks like for the time beginning my plan is working. I'll keep you posted.