Monday, February 20, 2012


In all the years I've visited Uncle Ted and Aunt Mae I've never seen a cat or kitten around their place. A while back I decided to pay them a surprise visit as I haven't been by their place in a long time. Uncle Ted was sitting in his favorite chair out on the front porch. My, that's strange!! There is a yellow kitten curl up in the other chair on the porch. Uncle Ted has always been a dog lover. Through the years I've seen bird dogs and coon dogs greet me when I arrive. Uncle Ted is a avid hunter.
Greeting were exchanged and my curiosity got the better of me. What it the world is up with that kitten?? " That ain't my kitten that belongs to Mae." I guess that's the first kitten I've  ever seen at your place. " You would be right on that." I'll tell you a story about how Mae got that kitten.
I don't know if the story is true or not but it came from a preacher who heard it from another preacher. You know some of those preachers tell some tall stories. Well, the preacher and his wife had this small kitten and the darn thing climbed up this small popular tree in his front yard. He tried every thing he could think of to get the kitten down put to no avail. The tree was too small for him to climb . After a lot of thought he decided to tie a rope around the tree up as far as he could reach. He backed his truck up to the tree and tied the rope to his trailer hitch. He pulled the truck up till the tree came down close to the ground. As he got out of the truck the rotten rope broke and the kitten was airborne off into the wild blue yonder. He couldn't find the darn kitten. The next day as the preacher was shopping at the grocery store he noticed a lady member of his church buying cat food. He asked, " I see y'all must have a cat." The lady begin to laugh and told the preacher the strangest thing happen yesterday. My daughter has been after me to get a kitten for the last several months. I told her to go out in the yard and pray for a kitten. As she was praying I looked out the window and a kitten came flying through the air and dropped near the child's feet. "Strangest thing I ever saw!"
I was hooked on every word of Uncle Ted's kitten story. I guess stranger things have happened. Well, Nick I decided after hearing about the preacher's story to get Mae a kitten after all these years. And I'll tell you.... I kind of like the little bugger.


  1. Cats or kittens can sure capture your heart... They have such great personalities...

  2. Damn Cats ........................ Damn funny story though.

  3. hehehe - cats have a way of getting a frig of their own.
