Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My, it's amazing how much of our life is spent sleeping. The normal amount of sleep an adult spends is 8 hours per day. That is a sum of 33 % of your life. I fell like Rip Van Winkle when I calculated the years I have slept, 23.1 years!!! The body and brain need sleep in order to function at its capacity.
No one has the same sleep patterns. On one hand I don't have any trouble going to sleep normally. I have trouble when I wake up in the night to go to the bathroom. When I return to bed and can't go back to sleep, I find I might as well go ahead and get up regardless of the time. My wife has always had a very hard time going to sleep. 2:00 a.m might be early some nights for her. I have always called her a night owl. You better not wake her early in the mornings, maybe after 10:00 a.m if you are brave. 
I'm finding that after supper I need a short nap. Not for long just about 30 minutes and I'm good till 10:00. There are many sleep disorders. Some people suffer from insomnia, lack of sleep. Sleep apnea, disturbed sleep like snoring and narcolepsy, excessive sleep.
My wife tells me I snore and she can raise the roof snoring. Years ago when we hadn't been married long she insisted she didn't snore. One morning while she was snoring I crawled under the bed plugged up a tape recorder and recorded 5 minutes of her snoring to prove my point. Guess what??? When I played the recording back to her I didn't have a thing on the recorder, I had pushed the wrong button. LOL!!!! Well, it's raining here this a.m and all this talk about sleep has made me sleepy.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ another hour or two out of life.


  1. You and I seem to have the same problem... By the time I wake up enough to make it to the bathroom safely, I am wide awake and then it takes a couple of hours for me to get sleepy again... I guess I just need to stop drinking anything after 4:00pm or so and maybe I wouldn't have to get up in the night... And an afternoon nap is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity... But I like to have mine around 3:00..And about 30 mins. is sufficient to hold me through until bedtime.....Have a great day Nick... hugggs.

  2. I have bouts of insomnia and once its started its hard to get out of. Doesn't matter how tired I am I will just lay there tossing and turning and other times I can get too sleep quite quickly, but then wake an hour or so later (for whatever reason - I'm a light sleeper) and then not be able to get off again.

  3. Yes, I don't sleep well.... only 4 - 6 hours a night, and I keep on vowing to do something about it as I've read lack of sleep is behind a few problems... overweight, memory problems etc.

  4. i fall asleep in the recliner about 8 or so, hubby wakes me at 9 and i go to to bed with a book which he removes from my sleeping hands at 10pm. i wake up at 2am and cant get back to sleep. makes for a long night!

  5. Ha ha Nick, you cold have described me and Kev down to a T lol!!!!!

  6. Sometimes I don't sleep well...
    I need want sleep like a baby.. LOL!! :o)

  7. Hell I never have that trouble. I can sleep while standing in line at the super market............ LOL
