Saturday, December 27, 2008


When my wife gets in a mood to decorate the house for the Christmas holidays you better get out of the way!! Or help?? Why do women ask men their opinions on what looks better? I give my opinion but seldom does she take it to heart. It will be picked apart with the precision of a trail lawyer.
I did get to help put the tree into position and held the lights while she placed them around the tree in perfect order. It took about two hours before she was satisfied with her effort. I kept quite, well most of the time. When she had finished with the lights she asked"how does it look?" It doesn't look bad!! Wrong answer!! At this point she was finished with my help, so I was out of Dodge. She did the rest of her tree decorating without any help. It only took two days off on on before she finished. I think you will agree with me, it doesn't look bad??
She continued to decorate the house with items she has accumulated for years.

My photos doesn't do her work justice. I wanted a new camera for Christmas but Santa only left two shirts. Maybe next year.
All our kids, grand kids, their spouse and one great grandson were in attendance. The two year old when he open one of his packages with a jacket in it threw it down in the floor and started opening the toy gifts. He doesn't like clothes yet.
A great dinner was prepared by my wife. Baked ham, potato salad, mac & cheese, green beans, bake beans, slaw, rolls, tea and soda. Desserts included her delicious chocolate lush pie and pecan pie.
The rainy night didn't spoil the wonderful time each got to spend with family.


  1. Yes, she does a beautiful job... I didn't much get into decorations this year as none of the festivities were to be held at my house for a change....when I am here alone, a little goes a long way...I like a few candles burning and a little greenery around and that's about it... Wishing you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year....

  2. "Not bad, not bad at all" - Nick know that in NZ that male response would be of the very highest praise - wonderful, fabulous, beautiful would be most acceptable but lesser. *wink*

    And looking at your photos, I can see she is an artist of a high degree. Christmas Day in New Zealand is the biggest celebration of the year and it looks as if in your house it is one fabulous day as well.

  3. haha! i had to show my hubby this blog, and we both laughed.
    ~exactly how wives are! he said.

    and yesterday we had a party and our guests christmas tree was mentioned, if it was ok or not. the man said: ~ well i'm glad it wasn't me who brought it home!

    nuff said :)

  4. Ha ha Nick, sounds like our house too! Your wife has done a wonderful job and I think you are very proud of her!

  5. Great job the Mrs. did Nicko. Staying out of the way is the best way I have found to help in these matters. That's why we have our garages! LOL The place looks great.


  7. Sending my best wishes to you and your Dear wife Carolyn. Nick? Talk about team work you guys know how to do it perfectly. I love your post here Nick.
    I want to leave you a small quote "The past is history, the future a mystery, but the present is a gift, which is why it's called the present"
    The Present You and Carolyn shared with the whole family will always be remembered with Love.
    Big Hugs ~ Milli~

  8. The decorations look great! I sure would have loved to enjoy a mug of hot cocoa or two with you guys!!!
    We had a lot of people came over for Christmas Day. It was a blast. Maybe twenty people! For a new mom with a young baby, that's plenty. Lots of great food. Spanish and Filipino style. Yummy! But one guest said, are these food straight from the North pole? Ha ha ha! But they all loved it, down to the caramel flan I baked!!!! Wish you were there! Love yah!

  9. And oh yeah, your comments sound like my husbands too!!! So funny. And I always had to say "Not bad"? You mean, it's ugly a bit? Ha ha ha. So he just tries to go away too after helping me with hanging the lights! Ha ha ha! You poor things.

  10. the tree and the house look wonderful! sounds like you had a lovely time too
