Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Each year on the forth of July my sister and her husband B.R. host a party for relatives and friends at their home. B.R. loves to build a campfire for roasting hot dogs and smores. Everyone brings their lawn chairs to set in the huge back yard enjoying the food and conversation and later the fireworks. B.R. really enjoys his fireworks displays after we all are full of food and drinks.
We were told not to bring anything but we brought hot dogs, buns, baked beans, and homemade brownies. It seemed like everyone brought something different. One of sis girls made a big pot of chili and it went good on the hot dogs. We wiped out most of the food during the night. B.R. is an advid hunter and learned a new way to fix a pie in an open fire. What did he just say? A pie in an open fire? Are you pulling their leg?? No, it's for real. B.R. found two Dutch oven black pots. These have a locking top. The ingredients are placed into the pots and they are placed into the open fire and covered with hot coals. Later that night B.R. brought the hot pots to the table and opened them up and my goodness, inside one was a blueberry cobbler and the other one was blackberry. Man. was B.R. smiling ear to ear. His pies were the hit of the night.
Later after dark had fallen it was time for the fireworks. B.R. had purchased two redneck fireworks packages. Sis, had everyone move a safe distance from where the fireworks were to be shot. Things went off great with the kids and adults clapping and yelling each time one lite up the night sky. Near the end, a near disaster happened. One of the displays accidentally set off another that was on the table and it came into the crowd striking B.R."s cousin on the ankle. Thank the LORD she wasn't injured very bad. Her husband joked that they talked about more life insurance and told B.R. next time don't make it  look so intentional.
The night turned out great but didn't look too promising early when we arrived as it was raining. The shower soon stopped. Sis, did an outstanding job in her efforts for the party with help from her two daughters. A great night by all that attended. We are still trying to figure out who the four people were that no one knew?? I'm sure they had a good time.


  1. Sounds like all had a great time.

  2. Excellent Nicko I enjoyed reading about your celebrations there. Sounds like a fantastic night.You have a lovely day and Big Hugs from Aus for ya.

  3. Seem like you all had such a great time =o)

  4. B.R. must have been a Boy Scout at one time. lol They learn how to do all sorts of things with campfires, like make pies. Really sounds like you all had a great time! Kinda makes me wish I would have been one of those 'mystery' guests. lol
